Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More

Name of transfer payment program Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Start date 2001–02
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2015–16
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.1: Arts, Sub-Program 1.1.1: Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Description The Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF) gives Canadians access to a variety of professional artistic experiences in their communities. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series, as well as their support organizations. The CAPF also supports emerging presenters and presenter support organizations whose activities target underserved communities or artistic practices. The goal is to allow Canadians from all regions of the country to engage in and value a variety of professional artistic experiences. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Arts Presentation Fund and Contributions under the Canada Arts Presentation Fund.
Expected results
  • Arts presenter organizations offer a variety of professional artistic experiences to Canadians.
  • Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, performance measurement framework targets are achieved that illustrate the variety of disciplines for professional artistic experiences offered by recipients of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund.
  • Canadians, including those in underserved communities across Canada, have access to a variety of professional artistic experiences.
  • Degree to which, on a scale of 1 to 5, performance measurement framework targets are achieved that illustrate the type of underserved communities reached by recipients of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations
  • Other levels of government (provinces/territories and municipalities)
  • Aboriginal peoples organizations (First Nations, Inuit and Métis)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients In addition to ongoing activities, such as posting current guidelines on the website and guiding applicants by phone, email and site visits, the CAPF also engages with program stakeholders throughout the year by attending relevant conferences and showcasing events; and by holding meetings with representatives from the arts presentation community.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 13,500,000 13,500,000 13,500,000 13,500,000
Total contributions 18,350,742 18,477,742 18,477,742 18,827,742
Total program 31,850,742 31,977,742 31,977,742 32,327,742
Name of transfer payment program Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Start date 2001–02
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2015–16
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.1: Arts, Sub-Program 1.1.2: Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Description The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) seeks to improve the physical conditions for the arts and heritage related to creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition. The Sub-Program also aims to increase and improve access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage exhibitions. To achieve these objectives, the CCSF provides financial assistance in the form of grants and contributions for infrastructure projects for professional, not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations as well as municipal and provincial governments and agencies with a mandate for arts and heritage, and equivalent Aboriginal peoples' organizations. The goal is to provide Canadians in all regions, including underserved communities, with access to new or improved arts and heritage spaces in their communities for creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund and Contributions under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund.
Expected results Arts and heritage organizations in a variety of communities have resources to build and improve facilities and infrastructure.
  • Minimum number of new or improved arts and heritage facilities supported by the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund.
  • Minimum percentage of infrastructure and specialized equipment projects supported by the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund that target an underserved community.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Other levels of government (provinces/territories and municipalities)
  • Aboriginal peoples organizations (First Nations, Inuit and Métis)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Le Ministère suscite la participation des demandeurs et des bénéficiaires par le biais d'activités telles que la mise à jour de stratégies régionales d'investissement, l'interaction avec les bénéficiaires, les visites de sites et l'affichage des lignes directrices en vigueur sur le site Web.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Total contributions 20,358,613 20,358,613 20,358,613 20,358,613
Total program 25,358,613 25,358,613 25,358,613 25,358,613
Name of transfer payment program Canada Arts Training Fund
Start date 1997–98
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2013–14
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.1: Arts, Sub-Program 1.1.3: Canada Arts Training Fund
Description The Canada Arts Training Fund (CATF) contributes to the development of Canadian creators and future cultural leaders of the Canadian arts sector by supporting the training of artists with high potential through institutions that offer training of the highest calibre. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit institutions that specialize in delivering focused, intensive and practice-based arts studies. These schools offer professional training at the highest level in disciplines such as dance, theatre, circus arts, visual arts and music (opera, orchestral), etc. It also provides financial support to some training that reflects Aboriginal and ethnocultural artistic practices. Canadians and the world benefit from high-quality artistic achievements by Canadian artists trained in Canada at institutions funded through the Sub-Program. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions to the Canada Arts Training Fund.
Expected results Graduates of arts training institutions have professional careers in Canada and internationally.
  • Minimum percentage of arts graduates of institutions supported by the Canada Arts Training Fund that are employed professionally in their field in Canada or abroad.
  • Minimum percentage of employers who rate graduates of institutions supported by the Canada Arts Training Fund as being well prepared for professional careers.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2013–14
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2018–19
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit arts training institutions/organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Department engages applicants and recipients through activities such as regular communications, site visits of funded training programs and posting current guidelines on the website. As of 2015, applications for funding are submitted through an online system. The system is intended to make it easier for organizations to apply, report, determine the status of their file and request payments. The program also conducts public opinion research of performing arts employers every four to five years.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Arts Training Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 22,779,440 22,779,440 22,779,440 22,779,440
Total program 22,779,440 22,779,440 22,779,440 22,779,440
Name of transfer payment program Canada Cultural Investment Fund
Start date 2001–02
End date Ongoing
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2015–16
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.1: Arts, Sub-Program 1.1.4: Canada Cultural Investment Fund
Description The Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) helps arts and heritage organizations build and diversify their revenue streams, improve their business practices, and assists them in being better rooted and recognized in their communities. This is achieved through three components. The Endowment Incentives component provides grants to match private sector funds raised on behalf of professional, not-for-profit arts organizations. The Strategic Initiatives component provides financial assistance to projects that strengthen business practices of multiple partner organizations. The Limited Support to Endangered Arts Organizations is a rarely used component which allows the federal government to partner with other levels of government and the private sector to help an arts organization move from near bankruptcy to sustainability if they have an appropriate business strategy. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund and Contributions to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund.
Expected results Arts and heritage organizations demonstrate sound organizational, administrative and financial health.
  • Average number of tools developed by recipients of Strategic Initiatives funding to strengthen the business practices of arts and heritage organizations.
  • Minimum dollar amount, in millions, raised through private-sector donations by arts organizations applying to and eligible for Endowment Incentives component.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit professional arts and heritage organizations
  • Equivalent Aboriginal peoples institutions or organizations (including Inuit, Métis, Status and Non-Status people)
  • Registered charitable foundations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Department engages applicants and recipients through activities such as meetings with representatives from the arts and heritage sector, posting guidelines on the website and liaising with applicants about funding program requirements.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Cultural Investment Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
Total contributions 1,972,205 1,972,205 1,972,205 1,972,205
Total program 21,972,205 21,972,205 21,972,205 21,972,205
Name of transfer payment program Canada Media Fund
Start date 2010–11
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010–11
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.2: Cultural Industries, Sub-Program 1.2.2: Canada Media Fund
Description The Canada Media Fund (CMF), is funded by the Government of Canada and the cable, satellite distributors and Internet Protocol Television. It supports the creation of digital content across multiple platforms such as television, wireless devices or the Internet. The CMF focuses investments on the creation of content Canadians want, and harnesses the opportunities provided by new technologies to deliver content to Canadians where and when they want it. Organizations supported by the CMF include, but are not limited to, Canadian television and digital media production companies. Canadians as consumers of convergent programs and creators of leading-edge content and applications represent the ultimate target group. Aboriginal communities, official language minority communities and other diverse language groups are also targeted by specific production funding envelopes. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions under the Canada Media Fund.
Expected results
  • Innovative Canadian content and software applications are created for commercial potential or public use.
  • Minimum number of innovative Canadian content and software application projects supported by the Canada Media Fund.
  • Canadians watch or interact with Canada Media Fund-supported television programs or digital convergent content.
  • Number of hours viewed (in millions of hours annually) for Canada Media Fund-funded English-language television productions.
  • Number of hours viewed (in millions of hours annually) for Canada Media Fund-funded French-language television productions.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations (CMF corporation)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Canada Media Fund corporation is required to conduct ongoing, formal, meaningful consultations.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Media Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 134,146,077 134,146,077 134,146,077 134,146,077
Total program 134,146,077 134,146,077 134,146,077 134,146,077
Name of transfer payment program Canada Music Fund
Start date 2001–02
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2015–16
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.2: Cultural Industries, Sub-Program 1.2.5: Canada Music Fund
Description The Canada Music Fund (CMF) supports the activities of Canadian music creators, artists and entrepreneurs aimed at increasing the creation of and access to a diversity of Canadian music for audiences everywhere by emphasizing the sector's ability to compete in domestic and international markets. This support is delivered through the following components: 1) Music Entrepreneur, which provides funding to Canadian music entrepreneurs as well as for not-for-profit national service organizations in support of the creation, publishing, production, distribution or and marketing of Canadian music, including touring related activities; 2) New Musical Works, which provides funding to Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs for the creation, publishing, production, distribution or marketing of Canadian music, including touring related activities, music showcases and business development activities; 3) Collective Initiatives, which provides funding to Canadian not-for-profit organizations as well as music entrepreneurs in support of to a diverse range of collective activities aiming to enhance the visibility and accessibility of Canadian music; and 4) Canadian Music Memories, which provides funding for the preservation of Canada's musical heritage for future generations. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Music Fund and Contributions under the Canada Music Fund.
Expected results
  • A range of Canadian music is produced by Canada Music Fund recipients.
  • Number of Canadian music releases that were supported by the Canada Music Fund.
  • Canadian music supported by the Canada Music Fund is accessed in Canada and abroad.
  • Percentage of domestic market share of albums by Canada Music Fund supported artists.
  • International unit sales, in millions, of Canada Music Fund supported music.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • For-profit organizations
  • Other: individuals
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

When the program application guide for each funding stream is released, the Department communicates with potential and past recipients in the following ways:

  • Posting the application guide and application forms on the program website;
  • Emailing organizations identified as potential applicants notifying them that application documents are available;
  • Emailing professional associations for which members are targeted by the transfer payment program notifying them that application documents are available;
  • Emailing third party administrators of the New Musical Works component so that they can post on their websites that the application forms are available;
  • Sending reminder emails shortly in advance of the funding application deadline.

The Department also engages with program stakeholders throughout the year in the following ways:

  • Guiding applicants by phone and email (including toll-free phone number and program e-mail address available to applicants and recipients);
  • Attending industry conferences and holding meetings with industry representatives.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Music Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
Total contributions 21,939,231 22,299,231 22,299,231 22,299,231
Total program 23,939,231 24,299,231 24,299,231 24,299,231
Name of transfer payment program Canada Book Fund
Start date 2010–11
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2015–16
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.2: Cultural Industries, Sub-Program 1.2.6: Canada Book Fund
Description The Canada Book Fund supports the activities of Canadian book publishers and other sectors of the book industry to ensure access to a broad range of Canadian-authored books. This support is delivered through the following streams of funding: 1) Support for Publishers, which provides funding distributed primarily through a formula that rewards success in delivering content that Canadians value. This funding contributes to the ongoing production and marketing of Canadian-authored books by offsetting the high costs of publishing in Canada and building the capacity and competitiveness of the sector; 2) Support for Organizations, which provides funding to develop the Canadian book industry and the market for its products by assisting industry associations and related organizations to undertake collective projects offering broad benefits to the industry and, ultimately, to readers everywhere. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Book Fund and Contributions under the Canada Book Fund.
Expected results
  • Readers everywhere have access to a broad range of Canadian-authored books produced by Canada Book Fund recipients.
  • Number of new Canadian-authored titles published by the Canada Book Fund.
  • Readers everywhere consume a broad range of Canadian-authored books supported by the Canada Book Fund.
  • Value, in millions of dollars, of domestic and international sales of Canadian-authored titles by Canada Book Fund recipients.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • For-profit publishers
  • Not-for-profit publishers and organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

When the program application guide for each funding stream component is released, the Department communicates with potential applicants and past recipients in the following ways:

  • Posting application information on the program website.
  • Emailing organizations identified as potential applicants notifying them that application documents are available and underlining key program changes.
  • Sending reminder emails shortly in advance of the funding application deadline.

The Department also engages with stakeholders throughout the year in the following ways:

  • Guiding applicants by phone and email (including toll-free phone number and program e-mail address available to program applicants and recipients);
  • Emailing the directorate newsletter at least once a year.
  • Holding annual stakeholder consultations and other meetings with potential applicants and recipients;
  • Attending industry events to improve the visibility and understanding of the program.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Book Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 8,300,000 8,300,000 8,300,000 8,300,000
Total contributions 28,366,301 28,366,301 28,366,301 28,366,301
Total program 36,666,301 36,666,301 36,666,301 36,666,301
Name of transfer payment program Canada Periodical Fund
Start date 2010–11
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010–11
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.2: Cultural Industries, Sub-Program 1.2.7: Canada Periodical Fund
Description The Canada Periodical Fund supports the activities of Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper publishers and organizations to ensure that Canadians have access to diverse Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers. The Fund is delivered through the following components: 1) Aid to Publishers, which provides formula funding to Canadian print magazines and non-daily newspapers for publishing activities, such as distribution, content creation, online activities and business development; 2) Business Innovation, which provides funding to print magazines and digital periodicals for business development and innovation projects; and, 3) Collective Initiatives, which provides funding to Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper organizations for industry-wide projects to increase the overall sustainability of the Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper industries. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Periodical Fund and Contributions under the Canada Periodical Fund.
Expected results
  • A range of Canadian periodicals supported by the Canada Periodical Fund is produced.
  • Number of funded titles published by Canada Periodical Fund recipients.
  • Canadian periodicals supported by the Canada Periodical Fund are accessed by Canadian readers.
  • Number of copies, in millions, of funded titles distributed to Canadians per year.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • For-profit publishers
  • Not-for-profit publishers and organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

When the program application guide for each funding stream is released, the Department communicates with potential and past recipients in the following ways:

  • Posting the application guide and application forms on the program website;
  • Emailing recent recipients and organizations identified as potential applicants, notifying them that application documents are available;
  • Sending reminder emails shortly in advance of the funding application deadline;
  • Engaging with industry organizations so that they publicize program information to their members.

The Department also engages with program stakeholders throughout the year in the following ways:

  • Guiding applicants by phone and email (including toll-free phone number and program e-mail address available to applicants and recipients);
  • Holding informal meetings with various stakeholders to explain how the CPF works and to listen to issues and concerns;
  • Attending various industry events to improve the visibility and understanding of the program;
  • Updating the CPF website with program information.
Planning Information (dollars) - Canada Periodical Fund
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 72,775,054 72,775,054 72,775,054 72,775,054
Total contributions 1,999,544 1,999,544 1,999,544 1,999,544
Total program 74,774,598 74,774,598 74,774,598 74,774,598
Name of transfer payment program TV5
Start date 1990-91
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2009–10
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.2: Cultural Industries, Sub-Program 1.2.10: TV5
Description The TV5 Sub-Program supports the international TV5 partnership with France, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Switzerland, Québec and Canada. This Sub-Program enables Canadian productions to be presented around the world through TV5MONDE. Moreover, through TV5 Québec Canada, it provides Canadians with access to a rich diversity of programming from the international Francophonie. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grant to TV5MONDE and Contribution to TV5 Québec Canada.
Expected results
  • Canadian content is part of TV5MONDE's international programming.
  • Percentage of Canadian content broadcast on TV5MONDE.
  • Canadians have access to the diversity of the international Francophonie through TV5 Québec Canada.
  • Number, in millions, of Canadian households with access to TV5 Québec Canada.
  • Maximum percentage of TV5 Québec Canada programming originating from the international Francophonie (except Canada).
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2014–15
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Others: TV5 Québec Canada (a not-for-profit organization), TV5MONDE (a corporation under French law)
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Only two named recipients are eligible for funding from TV5 Program, TV5MONDE and TV5 Québec Canada.
Planning Information (dollars) - TV5
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000
Total contributions 2,960,900 2,960,900 2,960,900 2,960,900
Total program 10,960,900 10,960,900 10,960,900 10,960,900
Name of transfer payment program Museums Assistance Program
Start date 1972-73
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2011–12
Strategic Outcome Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.3: Heritage, Sub-Program 1.3.1: Museums Assistance Program
Description The Museums Assistance Sub-Program (MAP) supports heritage institutions and workers in the preservation and presentation of heritage collections. MAP provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions for activities that facilitate Canadians' access to our heritage, foster the preservation of Canada's cultural heritage, including the preservation of representative collections of Aboriginal cultural heritage, and foster professional knowledge, skills and practices related to key museum functions. In support of the Youth Employment Strategy, MAP helps heritage organizations create summer employment and internship opportunities for Canadian youth through the heritage components of Young Canada Works. MAP also provides grants through the Movable Cultural Property Program to assist designated institutions in acquiring cultural property threatened with export or available on international markets. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Museums Assistance Program and Contributions under the Museums Assistance Program.
Expected results
  • Heritage organizations have gained skills in key museum functions.
  • Percentage of recipients reporting a positive impact on key museum functions.
  • Heritage organizations have access to resources to preserve heritage.
  • Percentage of recipients reporting a positive impact on heritage preservation.
  • Heritage organizations provide opportunities for Canadians to access heritage.
  • Number of venues providing exhibitions and other programming products/activities.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation with amendment
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2019–20
General targeted recipient groups
  • Incorporated non-profit Canadian museums and related service organizations and other heritage organizations;
  • Aboriginal Governing Bodies and Aboriginal organizations with a mandate related to heritage;
  • Designated institutions and public authorities including federal departments and Crown corporations (Movable Cultural Property Grants only).
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Updated information for the Museums Assistance Program, Young Canada Works-Heritage Programs and Movable Cultural Property grants is available on the Department's website. When additional communication activities are required, the national office delivers messages through the regional offices, delivery organizations, professional associations, etc. for dissemination to targeted organizations, or directly to applicants and recipients. Department representatives also promote heritage programs by participating in national and provincial museums associations' conferences and meetings. Every five years, recipients and stakeholders are invited to contribute to program evaluation exercises.
Planning Information (dollars) - Museums Assistance Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 4,663,680 4,663,680 4,663,680 4,663,680
Total contributions 11,076,284 11,076,284 11,076,284 11,076,284
Total program 15,739,964 15,739,964 15,739,964 15,739,964
Name of transfer payment program Celebration and Commemoration Program
Start date 1996-97
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2012–13
Strategic Outcome Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada, Sub-Program 2.1.1: Celebration and Commemoration Program
Description This Sub-Program provides funding through grants and contributions to non-governmental and community organizations for community-based activities organized during the Celebrate Canada period, from June 21 to July 1. These activities celebrate National Aboriginal Day on June 21, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and Canada Day on July 1. Funding is also available for commemorations with a national scope that commemorate and celebrate nationally significant historical figures, places, events, and accomplishments. The activities that are funded build pride, promote participation in celebrations and commemorations and strengthen understanding of shared history. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program and Contributions in support of the Celebration and Commemoration Sub-Program.
Expected results
  • Canadians participate in commemorations and celebrations of national significance.
  • Number of participants at celebration and commemoration events/activities
  • Canadians across Canada have opportunities to participate in community events that are open to the public and free of charge.
  • Number of community events held across Canada during the Celebrate Canada period (June 21 to July 1).
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2012–13
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2017–18
General targeted recipient groups
  • Canadian not-for-profit organizations: corporations, cooperatives, and unincorporated associations, etc.;
  • Canadian business corporations where projects are non-commercial in nature;
  • Canadian educational institutions, Canadian municipal governments and other municipal, provincial or territorial institutions.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Department engages applicants and recipients by communicating program information through the departmental website and though written and verbal communication with current funding recipients and interested parties.
Planning Information (dollars) - Celebration and Commemoration Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 8,300,000 47,520,000 44,480,000 8,000,000
Total contributions 22,524,967 52,703,767 56,264,367 2,494,367
Total program 30,824,967 100,223,767 100,744,367 10,494,367
Name of transfer payment program Exchanges Canada Program
Start date 2000-01
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010–11
Strategic Outcome Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada, Sub-Program 2.1.5: Exchanges Canada Program
Description The Exchanges Canada Sub-Program provides grants and contributions in support of youth participation initiatives that allow young Canadians to learn about Canada, create linkages with each other and better appreciate the diversity and shared aspects of the Canadian reality. The Sub-Program supports not-for-profit organizations to provide Canadian youth with a range of exchange and forum activities to strengthen their sense of belonging to Canada and therefore their sense of Canadian identity. The Sub-Program has two components: Youth Exchanges Canada (YEC) and Youth Forums Canada (YFC). YEC funds reciprocal homestay exchanges for youth, and also includes the Summer Work / Student Exchange sub-component, which provides summer job opportunities for 16 and 17 year-olds in their second official language. YFC enables young Canadians to connect with one another through forums, study sessions and workshops on a range of relevant topics. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of Innovative Youth Exchange Projects and Contributions in support of the Exchanges Canada Initiative.
Expected results
  • Young participants enhance their knowledge and understanding of Canada.
  • Percentage of participants who report enhanced knowledge and understanding of Canada.
  • Young participants connect and create linkages with one another.
  • Percentage of participants who report having created new ties with other young Canadians as a result of the exchange.
  • Young participants enhance their appreciation of the diversity and shared aspects of the Canadian experience.
  • Percentage of participants who report having a better understanding of what Canadians have in common.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2015–16
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2020-21
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Other levels of government (provinces/territories)
  • Others: educational institutions
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Sub-Program sends an invitation letter annually to prospective applicants to submit a funding application to the Youth Forums Canada component of the Exchanges Canada Program. The Sub-Program works with recipients to ensure that all youth participants receive a message from the Minister congratulating them on participation in projects funded by the Exchanges Canada Program.
Planning Information (dollars) - Exchanges Canada Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Total contributions 17,686,359 17,686,359 17,686,359 17,686,359
Total program 17,786,359 17,786,359 17,786,359 17,786,359
Name of transfer payment program Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
Start date 2007–08
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2013–14
Strategic Outcome Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.2: Engagement and Community Participation, Sub-Program 2.2.2: Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
Description The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Sub-Program provides grants and contributions in support of local festivals, community anniversaries and capital projects. Funding is made available to stakeholders presenting arts and heritage festivals and events that emphasize local engagement. Its objective is to engage citizens in their communities through performing and visual arts as well as through the expression, celebration and preservation of local historical heritage. The Sub-Program has three components: 1) Local Festivals supports recurring festivals that involve the whole community and give opportunities to local artists and artisans to engage in their communities and/or celebrate local history and heritage; 2) Community Anniversaries supports one-time commemorations through activities that celebrate a major anniversary (100 years and then increments of 25 years) of a significant local person or event; and 3) Legacy Fund supports tangible, lasting capital projects that commemorate or celebrate a major anniversary (100 years and then increments of 25 years) of a significant local person or event. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program and Contributions in support of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program.
Expected results
  • Citizens across the country are engaged in their communities through local arts and heritage.
  • Average number of volunteer hours per project.
  • Average number of local artists, artisans and heritage performers per project.
  • Local organizations carry out local festival, community anniversary and / or legacy projects in their communities.
  • Number of communities reached per year.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011–12
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2016–17
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The program provides information through the departmental website and regional offices.
Planning Information (dollars) - Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 14,355,000 14,355,000 14,355,000 14,355,000
Total contributions 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,300,000
Total program 17,655,000 17,655,000 17,655,000 17,655,000
Name of transfer payment program Aboriginal Peoples' Program
Start date 1971-72
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2012–13
Strategic Outcome Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.2: Engagement and Community Participation, Sub-Program 2.2.3: Aboriginal People's Program
Description The Aboriginal Peoples' Sub-Program (APP) focuses primarily on strengthening cultural identity, encouraging the full participation of Indigenous peoples in Canadian life, and supporting the continuation of Indigenous cultures and languages as living elements of Canadian society. APP programming incorporates Indigenous cultures and languages into community-driven activities designed to strengthen cultural identity. The APP provides investments that help to support the efforts of Indigenous communities to develop and deliver innovative and culturally appropriate projects, under initiatives such as the Aboriginal Languages Initiative, Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting, Scholarships and Youth Initiatives, Territorial Language Accords, National Aboriginal Day, and the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Aboriginal Peoples' Program and Contributions to the Aboriginal Peoples' Program.
Expected results
  • Engaged as an integral part of Canadian society, Indigenous peoples embrace and share their languages and cultures with other Canadians.
  • Number of participants who are engaged in Indigenous language and cultural activities.
  • Indigenous individuals and groups are engaged in activities that strengthen Indigenous languages, and cultures, and support community engagement.
  • Number of projects funded that incorporate Indigenous languages and, cultures, and support community engagement.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2010–11
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2015–16
General targeted recipient groups

Not-for-profit organizations:

  • Aboriginal-controlled incorporated not for profit organizations;
  • Aboriginal-controlled unincorporated not for profit organizations;
  • Aboriginal-controlled ad hoc committees that have formed to do a specific project; and
  • In exceptional circumstances to be approved by the Program, non-Aboriginal-controlled not for profit organizations, in close partnership with Aboriginal-controlled organizations.

Other levels of government:

  • Aboriginal governments and equivalent organizations, and their delegated authorities;
  • For third party delivery, eligible contribution recipients are federal, provincial, or territorial crown corporations;
  • The Nunavut and Northwest Territories Governments under the Territorial Language Accords.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients Posting program guidelines and application information on the departmental website as well as providing engagement sessions in the communities.
Planning Information (dollars) - Aboriginal Peoples' Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 16,209,757 16,439,206 11,514,078 11,514,078
Total program 16,209,757 16,439,206 11,514,078 11,514,078
Name of transfer payment program Development of Official-Language Communities Program
Start date 2009–10
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2008-09
Strategic Outcome Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.3: Official Languages, Sub-Program 2.3.1: Development of Official-Language Communities Program
Description Pursuant to section 43 of the Official Languages Act, the Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program fosters the vitality of Canada's English- and French-speaking minority communities and enables them to participate fully in all aspects of Canadian life. The Sub-Program has three components. Through grants and contributions, the Community Life component supports the provision of activities and services for official-language minority communities by non-profit community organizations in various fields, particularly arts, culture, heritage, and youth. Through intergovernmental contribution agreements, this component also supports the provision of minority-language services by provincial and territorial governments. Through intergovernmental contribution agreements, the Minority-Language Education component supports the provision of provincial and territorial educational programs and activities in the minority official-language, at all levels of education. Through a contribution agreement with an independent public entity, the Language Rights Support component provides access to mechanisms to foster the advancement and clarification of constitutionally-guaranteed language rights. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program and Contributions to the Development of Official-Language Communities Sub-Program.
Expected results Members of official-language minority communities have access to programs and services in their language, in their communities.
  • Percentage of official-language minority community members who live within 25 km of an arts and culture organization offering minority-language services.
  • Percentage of official-language minority community members who live within 25 km of an elementary minority-language school or a secondary minority-language school.
  • Percentage of official-language minority community members who live within 25 km of a local or regional community development organization offering minority-language services.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2012–13
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2016–17
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Provincial and territorial governments and their creations
  • For-profit organizations (for not-for-profit activities)
  • Others: associations, institutions and foundations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
  • Send call letters to client organizations and to provincial and territorial governments;
  • Inform client organizations on the application deadlines (Canadian Heritage website);
  • Offer grants and contributions to community organizations; and
  • Negotiate and administer agreements with provincial and territorial governments.
Planning Information (dollars) - Development of Official-Language Communities Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 33,322,973 33,322,973 33,322,973 33,322,973
Total contributions 192,599,017 192,349,017 191,849,017 191,849,017
Total program 225,921,990 225,671,900 225,171,990 225,171,990
Name of transfer payment program Enhancement of Official Languages Program
Start date 2009–10
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant and Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2008-09
Strategic Outcome Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 2.3: Official Languages, Sub-Program 2.3.2: Enhancement of Official Languages Program
Description Pursuant to section 43 of the Official Languages Act, the Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program helps Canadians gain a better understanding and appreciation of the benefits of linguistic duality, as well as an awareness of the constitutionally-guaranteed language rights. The Sub-Program has three components. Through grants and contributions to non-profit organizations, the Promotion of Linguistic Duality component supports activities and projects to enhance official languages and unite Canadians, enhance the French language and culture in Canada, and increase the provision of services in both official languages from non-governmental organizations. As well, through intergovernmental contribution agreements, the Second-Language Learning component supports the provision of provincial and territorial programs and activities related to learning English and French, as second official languages, among young Canadians. Through a contribution agreement with an independent public entity, the Language Rights Support component supports the provision of information and awareness activities among Canadians, especially those living in official-language minority communities, of language rights and the mechanisms for exercising those rights. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program and Contributions to the Enhancement of Official Languages Sub-Program.
Expected results Canadians have a better understanding of and appreciation for the benefits of linguistic duality.
  • Percentage of Canadians who have a working knowledge of the second official language.
  • Percentage of the population that recognizes that linguistic duality in Canada is a source of cultural enrichment.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2012–13
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2016–17
General targeted recipient groups
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Provincial and territorial governments and their creations
  • For-profit organizations (for not-for-profit activities)
  • Others: associations, institutions and foundations
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
  • Send call letters to client organizations and to provincial and territorial governments;
  • Inform client organizations on application deadlines (Canadian Heritage web site);
  • Offer grants and contributions to organizations for the promotion of linguistic duality and second-language learning; and
  • Negotiate and administer agreements with provincial and territorial governments.
Planning Information (dollars) - Enhancement of Official Languages Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 5,599,842 5,599,842 5,599,842 5,599,842
Total contributions 105,923,289 105,923,289 105,923,289 105,923,289
Total program 111,523,131 111,523,131 111,523,131 111,523,131
Name of transfer payment program Hosting Program
Start date 1967
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2012–13
Strategic Outcome Canadians participate and excel in sport.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 3.1: Sport, Sub-Program 3.1.1: Hosting Program
Description The Hosting Sub-Program is a key instrument in the Government of Canada's overall approach to sport development in Canada and aims to enhance the development of sport excellence and the international profile of sport organizations by providing assistance for the hosting of the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada. The Hosting Sub-Program offers Canada-at-large a planned and coordinated approach to realizing direct and significant benefits, from bidding and hosting projects in the areas of sport development, economic, social, and cultural and community impacts, across a broad range of government priorities. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions for the Games' Hosting Sub-Program.
Expected results Canadian athletes, coaches and officials have opportunities to participate at sport events in Canada funded by Sport Canada.
  • Number of Canadian athletes, coaches and officials participating at funded events.
  • Number of Canadian athletes from under-represented groups participating at funded events.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011–12
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2015–16
General targeted recipient groups
  • Non-profit organizations
Contributions are made to organizations that are incorporated as non-profit corporations under federal or provincial law, including eligible National Sport Organizations and Multisport Service Organizations, and organizations created for a specific bidding or hosting project.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Department engages applicants and recipients by communicating program information through: the departmental website; formal written communication to current funding recipients and interested parties; and informal verbal and written communication between program officers and current funding recipients/interested parties.
Planning Information (dollars) - Hosting Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 56,825,790 19,865,000 19,865,000 19,865,000
Total program 56,825,790 19,865,000 19,865,000 19,865,000
Name of transfer payment program Sport Support Program
Start date 1961
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2011–12
Strategic Outcome Canadians participate and excel in sport.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 3.1: Sport, Sub-Program 3.1.2: Sport Support Program
Description The Sport Support Sub-Program is the primary funding vehicle for initiatives associated with the delivery of the Government of Canada's commitments to the Canadian Sport Policy. Funding is aimed at developing athletes and coaches at the highest international levels; providing sound technically-based sport programming for all athletes; increasing the number of Canadians from all segments of society involved in sport; and advancing Canadian interests and values in Canada and abroad. This funding is provided to eligible organizations in support of programming that supports the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions for the Sport Support Sub-Program.
Expected results Canadians have access to quality sport programs and services.
  • Number of Canadians participating in sport through organizations or initiatives funded by Sport Canada.
  • Percentage of funded sport organizations that have maintained or increased their overall organizational performance.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011–12
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2015–16
General targeted recipient groups Contributions are made to the following recipients, with a particular focus on programs and services that have a direct impact on athletes, athlete development or that offer children and youth their first experience in sport:
  • National Non-Profit
    • National Sport Organizations and Multisport Service Organizations that are incorporated as non-profit corporations under federal law.
    • Canadian Sport Centres that are incorporated as non-profit corporations under provincial law.
  • Provincial/Territorial
    • Provincial/Territorial governments and their representative organizations, such as the Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council.
  • Other
    • Universities; colleges; government research councils; and other incorporated not-for-profit institutions or organizations conducting research relevant to the Canadian Sport Policy; and
    • Other incorporated not-for-profit organizations or foundations delivering programs or pilot projects or providing services relevant to the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Department engages applicants and recipients by communicating program information through: the departmental website; formal written communication to current funding recipients and interested parties; and informal verbal and written communication between program officers and current funding recipients/interested parties.
Planning Information (dollars) - Sport Support Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 145,375,064 146,315,064 146,615,064 143,315,064
Total program 145,375,064 146,315,064 146,615,064 143,315,064
Name of transfer payment program Athlete Assistance Program
Start date 1971
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Grant
Type of appropriation Annually through Main Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2012–13
Strategic Outcome Canadians participate and excel in sport.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 3.1: Sport, Sub-Program 3.1.3: Athlete Assistance Program
Description The Athlete Assistance Sub-Program contributes to the pursuit of excellence through its support for improved Canadian athlete performances at major international sporting events, enabling athletes to combine their sport and academic or working careers while training intensively in pursuit of world-class performances. This Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Athlete Assistance Sub-Program.
Expected results
  • Canadian athletes access academic opportunities.
  • Number of currently and formerly carded athletes using tuition grant (including deferred tuition).
  • Canadian high performance athletes are optimally prepared to achieve podium level performance at Olympic and Paralympic Games and the respective sports' Senior World Championships
  • Number of athletes receiving AAP funding who have achieved a top 8 finish at the Olympics, Paralympics, or World Championships.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation 2011–12
Decision following the results of last evaluation Continuation
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2015–16
General targeted recipient groups
  • Other
Grants under the AAP will be provided directly to:
  • Canadian high-performance athletes, identified by their National Sport Organizations, who have met the AAP requirements;
  • Post-secondary educational institutions on behalf of carded athletes;
  • Retired, previously carded, Canadian high performance athletes.
Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients The Department engages applicants and recipients by communicating program information to funding recipients and National Sports Organizations, through: the departmental website; formal written communication to current funding recipients and interested parties; and informal verbal and written communication between program officers and current funding recipients/interested parties.
Planning Information (dollars) - Athlete Assistance Program
Type of transfer payment2015–16 Forecast spending2016–17 Planned spending2017–18 Planned spending2018–19 Planned spending
Total grants 28,000,000 28,000,000 28,000,000 28,000,000
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total program 28,000,000 28,000,000 28,000,000 28,000,000

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