Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Strategic Outcome

Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity

Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture

Program 2.1: Attachment to Canada, Sub-Program 2.1.6: Youth Take Charge

Name of recipient

Michaëlle Jean Foundation

Start date

October 1, 2010

End date

March 31, 2020


The Michaëlle Jean Foundation is a Canadian non-profit organization that encourages communities to use art and creativity to stimulate and enhance citizen participation and dialogue with a particular emphasis on youth.

The objectives of the Foundation are, among others, to: raise awareness, and leverage the creative power, of the arts to generate a more socially harmonious, civically engaged and innovative Canada; enhance collaborative linkages and networks connecting the arts and creative communities with other sectors of society; promote local and national initiatives to create a new discourse and branding around Canadian culture that better communicate the value of the arts and creativity to the broader public; and contribute to empowering youth and emerging artists in their efforts to use art as a tool to address challenges facing their neighborhoods and communities.

To achieve these ends, the Foundation will provide programming in the areas of creative communities, youth action and democracy. The programming will, thus, bring together support for community initiatives, discussion forums and the promotion of citizen participation through social media.

Total funding approved


Total funding received

 4,751,220 Footnote 1

Planned funding in 2016−17


Planned funding in 2017−18


Planned funding in 2018−19


Summary of annual plans of recipient

The following five actions are the basis upon which the Foundation is building its organization:

  • Youth Community Action Program: With support from communities across Canada, the Foundation encourages underserved young people to use the arts to become actively engaged in their communities.
  • Creative Spaces: Collaborating with the private and public sectors, the Foundation is working to increase the number of virtual and physical spaces for young creative people to share their ideas and talents and take action for change.
  • Power of the Arts Forum:The Foundation facilitates and participates in dialogues, workshops and forums across the country to share learning and encourage a national dialogue on the creative power of the arts to enable action and affect change in communities.
    • Bursaries: To foster intergenerational exchanges of ideas, perspectives and experiences, the Foundation connects youth with mentors to address issues of concern in disadvantaged communities in Canada. Bursaries are also available in association with the mentorship program.
  • Young Arts Entrepreneur: The Foundation offers start-up funds and mentorships to promising artists from disadvantaged backgrounds to establish arts-based businesses in their communities.

Strategic Outcome

Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity

Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture

Program 2.3: Official Languages, Sub-Program 2.3.1: Development of Official-Language Communities Program

Name of recipient

Endowment Fund - Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities

Start date

March 20, 2002

End date



Thanks to an endowment of $10 million funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities (CIRLM) was created in March 2002 for the purpose of becoming a national centre of expertise to better understand the challenges that official language minority communities face and the trends in their environment. Although it is housed at the Université de Moncton, the Institute has a national mission. It carries out activities related to official language minority communities through revenues generated by the Endowment Fund and other revenues.

The goal of the Institute is to increase research on issues related to official-language minority communities. More and improved research will ensure that leaders of minority-language communities and officials responsible for developing public policy will have a better understanding of the issues that affect the development of Canada’s French- and English-speaking minority communities.

Total funding approved


Total funding received


Planned funding in 2016−17


Planned funding in 2017−18


Planned funding in 2018−19


Summary of annual plans of recipient

CIRLM publishes annually on its website http://www.icrml.ca/en, its ongoing research and publication projects as well as an annual report of its activities and performance measures which it submits to the Department of Canadian Heritage six months after the end of the fiscal year.

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