Projects funded by the EcoAction programs

EcoAction Stream 1: Community-led freshwater action across Canada

Fiscal year 2024 to 2025

Project: Upper Ohio River Aquatic Habitat Restoration & Monitoring

Proponent: Antigonish Rivers Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $50,000

This project will restore priority freshwater habitat in the Upper Ohio River watershed through the installation of in-stream structures and shoreline plantings to improve aquatic habitat and bank stabilization.

Project: Enhancing Water Quality through Community-Driven Restoration in the Upper Athabasca Watershed

Proponent: Athabasca Watershed Council

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve water quality in the Upper Athabasca watershed through the mobilization and capacity-building of local communities to advance the restoration of recreational stream crossings, shoreline monitoring, and planting.

Project: Riparian zone ready: Developing scientific and civic literacy to protect freshwater environments

Proponent: Atlantic Coastal Action Program-Cape Breton

EcoAction Program Funding: $96,697

This project will establish a youth-led environmental restoration program in collaboration with local municipalities to improve and restore freshwater habitat sites in rural and industrial New Brunswick.

Project: Mosquito Creek Fish Habitat Restoration

Proponent: BC Wildlife Federation

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve water quality and restore shoreline habitat along Mosquito Creek through the removal of invasive plant species and engaging the community in restoration efforts.

Project: Natural Infrastructure Strategies for Mitigating Freshwater Pollution and Fostering Climate Resilience in Southwest Nova Scotia (SWNS)

Proponent: Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will mitigate the impacts of harmful stormwater runoff through natural infrastructure solutions and host educational workshops engaging the public in planting, natural infrastructure, stormwater management, and freshwater quality awareness.

Project: Building Community Capacity for Stewardship of Fresh Water in the Bilston Watershed

Proponent: Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,429

This project will improve freshwater quality and habitat through enhanced community awareness and education on water quality issues, a focus on capacity building and community stewardship, and the organization of stream cleanups to reduce waste in the watershed.

Project: Improving freshwater quality and ecosystem health within the Tranquille Watershed

Proponent: British Columbia Conservation Foundation

EcoAction Program Funding: $98,440

This project will engage local residents in restoring native plant communities and maintaining existing critical vegetation to control aquatic invasive reed canary grass within the Tranquille Watershed to improve freshwater ecosystem function and stewardship capacity.

Project: Sustainable Testing, Knowledge Transfer, and Monitoring of Freshwater Ecosystems using Citizen Science

Proponent: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $73,040

This project will reduce freshwater pollution by creating educational materials and hosting hands-on learning opportunities such as community freshwater clean-ups, water quality testing, and educational tours for youth.

Project: Collaborating with Beavers to Steward Sekw'el'was Traditional Lands

Proponent: Cayoose Creek Indian Band (Sekw'el'was)

EcoAction Program Funding: $88,545

This project will restore the upper watershed of the Sekw'el'was Traditional Lands to improve water retention and habitat diversity, and increase community understanding of the role of beavers as environmental stewards.

Project: Removal of logging debris from Owikeno Lake

Proponent: Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve salmon habitat in the Sheemahant River primarily by removing derelict anchored logs abandoned by historic logging operations in Owikeno Lake.

Project: Columbia Shuswap Riparian Invasives

Proponent: Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater quality in the Revelstoke North Columbia area and the Shuswap waterbodies by removing priority invasive plant species.

Project: Ensuring The Health Of Pokemouche River Freshwater Ecosystems

Proponent: Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche

EcoAction Program Funding: $25,000

This project will improve water quality in the Pokemouche River, New Brunswick, by reducing waste and sediment runoff in the headwaters area. Activities to restore the riverbanks, free flow of water, revegetation and waste removal will be carried out with the involvement of local residents.

Project: Protect Aquatic Ecosystems by Promoting Water Infiltration in The Five Fingers Creek Watershed

Proponent: Conseil de Gestion du Bassin Versant de la Rivière Restigouche

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve water quality in the Five-Fingers Creek watershed, Saint-Quentin, New Brunswick. The project's objectives are to promote good stormwater management practices to improve water quality and protect aquatic ecosystems.

Project: Join the network

Proponent: Conseil de gouvernance de l'eau des bassins versants de la rivière Saint-François (COGESAF)

EcoAction Program Funding: $93,882

This project will improve water quality in Quebec's Lake Memphremagog (Canadian portion). The objectives of the project are to adapt a program known in Vermont for 10 years (Lake Wise program) to involve lakeside residents in land-use practices adapted to improve water quality and protect the health of freshwater ecosystems.

Project: Ensuring The Sustainability Of Uses On The Manicouagan Territory While Preserving Natural Resources

Proponent: Conseil régional de l'environnement de la Côte-Nord

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,898

This project aims to protect the water quality of lakes and streams in the Manicouagan region, on public land in Quebec. The project's objectives are to help decision-makers in the Manicouagan MRC and the Nitassinan Pessamit community identify problem areas before mobilizing them to protect water resources.

Project: Sponge School

Proponent: Conseil régional de l'environnement - Région de la Capitale nationale

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve the water quality of three rivers linked to Lake Saint-Charles in the integrated management Area of water, Quebec. The objectives of the project are to make the surfaces of 3 schools permeable through 3 sponge installation projects that capture rainwater and retain sediments.

Project: Nature-Based Restoration in the Waterford Watershed

Proponent: Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,900

This project will improve water quality and ecosystem health by conducting nature-based restoration projects at sites identified as regional priorities with decreased aquatic habitat and water quality.

Project: Improving water quality through wetland conservation, education and awareness

Proponent: Ducks Unlimited Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will increase public support and the awarenesss of wetlands to improve water quality by establishing a wetland outreach program, identifying sites to conduct environmental education and outdoor engagement activities.

Project: Water Warriors: arming the public with tools to protect our aquatic environments from invasive species

Proponent: East Kootenay Invasive Species Council

EcoAction Program Funding: $68,500

This project will equip community members with the knowledge and tools to detect and control invasive species in East Kootenay. With a focus on controlling current aquatic invasive plant infestations and preventing the introduction of zebra and quagga mussels, this project will promote stewardship and the protection of aquatic environments.

Project: Litter Free Lakes

Proponent: EcoSuperior Environmental Programs

EcoAction Program Funding: $89,000

This project will improve water quality by preventing plastic pollution from entering Lake Superior through the use of trash capture devices in storm drains across Thunder Bay, diverting plastic waste from reaching Lake Superior and its tributaries.

Project: Promoting Freshwater Health in Muskoka: Community-Led Reductions in Road Salt Usage

Proponent: Friends of the Muskoka Watershed

EcoAction Program Funding: $73,950

This project will engage the Muskoka community in reducing the use of road salt on parking lots and residential properties by engaging elementary and high schools in four communities.Project outcomes will be used to educate lakeside residents about the effects of road salt on aquatic ecosystems and methods to safely minimize its use.

Project: Take the Lead: Diverting monofilament fishing line to protect and restore freshwater environments in western Newfoundland.

Proponent: Humber Arm Environmental Association Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $45,541

In order to protect freshwater ecosystems, this project will reduce the volume of fishing line entering waterways in western Newfoundland by installing waste receptacles and raising awareness of the negative impacts of waste in freshwater ecosystems.

Project: Riparian Habitat and Stream Restoration in the Hunter River Watershed

Proponent: Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $81,944

This project will improve freshwater health by planting native shoreline species, removing invasive species, and installing brushmats to increase the capture of sediment and runoff along waterways, increasing biodiversity in Prince Edward Island.

Project: Reduction and control of Zebra Mussels in Lake Manitoba

Proponent: Interlake Reserves Tribal Council

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve water quality in Lake Manitoba by working to remove invasive zebra mussels and spreading awareness of their impact on freshwater ecosystems, including how to manage and control the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Project: Grounded Learning for Freshwater Protection

Proponent: Invasive Species Council of BC

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,916

This project will improve freshwater quality by removing invasive species, planting native species, and promoting freshwater resiliency through community engagement in stewardship and place-based learning.

Project: LTVCA Filtering for the Future

Proponent: Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $98,250

This project will implement a watershed-wide effort to enhance water quality in the Thames River and its tributaries, by increasing native plant coverage to capture and mitigate contaminants from entering these waterways.

Project: Mindemoya River Site MIN 616 Stream Restoration and Freshwater Stewardship 2024

Proponent: Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $70,000

This project will improve the ecological benefits of the Lake Huron basin by restoring freshwater on Manitoulin Island. Project activities include installing root wads and vegetated rock to stop bank erosion and improve the in-stream habitat of the Mindemoya River.

Project: Resiliency in the Wapiti Watershed

Proponent: Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $42,407

This project will improve freshwater health in the Wapiti Watershed of Northwestern Alberta by engaging landowners and agricultural partners to improve management practices and reduce nutrient runoff, support the restoration of riparian zones and reduce contaminant loading.

Project: Protecting aquatic habitat through bank restoration in the lower Nashwaak River

Proponent: Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $97,381

This project will improve freshwater quality through the implementation of bank restoration activities to mitigate the impacts of erosion along the Nashwaak River.

Project: Habitat Restoration on the Saugeen Peninsula

Proponent: Nature Conservancy of Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will protect freshwater habitats in the Saugeen Peninsula by implementing site specific management plans to remove invasive Phragmites and plant native vegetation at affected sites. Community engagement will be fostered through events and presentations.

Project: Coastal Wetland Habitat and Shoreline Restoration at Lakewood Conservation Area

Proponent: Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater ecosystems through the removal of invasive species andthe  planting of wetland and upland vegetation, in the nearshore wetland habitats along the Lake Erie shoreline in Niagara. Community involvement will be encouraged through volunteer participation in planting events and post-restoration monitoring activities.

Project: Improving Water Quality In Saint-Aimé-Des-Lac Lakes

Proponent: OBV Charlevoix-Montmorency

EcoAction Program Funding: $61,199

This project will improve the water quality of seven (7) lakes in the municipality of St-Aimé-des-lacs, Quebec. The objectives of the project are to improve the water quality of the lakes and their tributaries (reduce sediment and contaminant runoff) through shoreline restoration activities, protection of sensitive areas and involvement of shoreline residents.

Project: Shoreline Cleanup Focus Municipality Program: Freshwater Phase

Proponent: Ocean Wise Conservation Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $49,608

This project will mobilize Canadians to assist in the cleanup of shoreline sites across Canada to improve freshwater ecosystem health; trash collected will be recorded on Ocean Wise's database to identify the most common items and inform efforts to create sustainable behaviour change.

Project: Recovering Natural and Community Assets in the Oldman Watershed

Proponent: Oldman Watershed Council

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve the resilience of freshwater ecosystems within the Oldman Watershed through the restoration of natural infrastructure such as riparian buffer zones, wetlands and native grasslands. The demonstration of environmental and social benefits that arise through restoration work will empower community members to engage in environmentally sustainable behaviours.

Project: Cultivating Community Action for Southern Ontario Freshwater Systems 2024-2027

Proponent: Ontario Streams

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will rehabilitate freshwater habitat in watersheds within the Greater Toronto Area by planting indigenous trees and shrubs to provide shade, cool the water, and stabilize the banks.

Project: Water Guardian – Stronger Together in Climate Resiliency and Stormwater Management

Proponent: Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance (PWA) Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater health by engaging Canadians in the installation of natural infrastructure and riparian clean ups. Project activities include installing rain gardens, conducting educational and planting workshops and hosting shoreline clean ups. Watershed educational materials will be refined and translated for improved public awareness.

Project: Promoting Freshwater Conservation in Nunavut

Proponent: Pinnguaq Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $97,952

This project will improve freshwater quality in Nunvut and build capacity in Inuit and Nunavummiut youth and children through environmental stewardship and six Freshwater Conservation Camps. The engagement of community Elders and Knowledge Keepers will strengthen freshwater knowledge from an Inuit perspective of conservation.

Project: Stewardship on the Shore

Proponent: Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater health by promoting lake stewardship and enabling individuals and communities to care collectively for freshwater in Saskatchewan. A province-wide strategy will be developed to demonstrate engagement and beneficial management practices for landowners to minimize their impact on freshwater.

Project: Restoration of Dolbeau-Mistassini's Centre-Ville Park

Proponent: Société de gestion environnementale

EcoAction Program Funding: $95,140

This project will improve water quality in the Parc Centre-ville stream, which flows into the Mistassini River in the town of Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec. The project's objectives are to combat bank erosion and conserve and protect water quality (reducing sediment and contaminant runoff) through shoreline restoration activities, protection of sensitive areas and the involvement of citizens, the secondary schools community, young people and the Mashteuiatsh community.

Project: S'amunu Watershed Streamside Stewardship Partners Program

Proponent: Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,425

This project will improve freshwater quality flowing into Somenos Lake and the Cowichan River, an important Canadian Heritage Site recognized for its cultural values to the Cowichan Tribes Nation. The project will identify restoration objectives and recruit community volunteers to participate in restoration activites.

Project: Restoring and Protecting Eastern Ontario Freshwater Ecosystems Through Improved Community Capacity for Invasive Phragmites Management

Proponent: St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,800

This project will protect freshwater habitiat in the St. Lawrence River by systemically removing invasive Phragmites and raising awareness about its threat to freshwater ecosystems. The project will  facilitate collaboration and capacity building through training focussed on effective invasive Phragmites management strategies to the City of Cornwall, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, and other partners.

Project: The Way of Watersheds – Enhancing Stanley Park Waterways

Proponent: Stanley Park Ecology Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve, restore, and maintain the ecological integrity, function, and biodiversity of the Beaver Lake watershed through planting events and engagement with youth, volunteers, and Indigenous community members.

Project: Shoreline Restoration to Improve Freshwater Quality at Lac Pelletier

Proponent: Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,525

This project will improve freshwater quality in Lac Pelletier through shoreline restoration activities and the implementation of beneficial management practices (BMP) to improve water quality by community members. In addition,  educational opportunities will strive to create a strong sense of lake stewarship in the community.

Project: Waterwatchers Take Action

Proponent: The Gaia Project

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will collaborate with local schools to develop, coordinate and deliver community water quality education and environmental action projects for students throughout New Brunswick in order to improve freshwater health and raise awareness of freshwater issues.

Project: Freshwater Quality Improvement within the York-Sunbury Region

Proponent: The Nature Trust of New Brunswick

EcoAction Program Funding: $60,000

This project will improve freshwater quality by conducting restoration and shoreline cleanups, delivering outdoor youth training workshops in nature preserves in the York-Sudbury region and developing a freshwater quality improvement working group. Project activities wil increase knowledge and contribute to Indigenous science and relationship-building through a Sweetgrass Inventory Survey in partnership with the Maliseet National Conservation Council.

Project: Two Rivers Conservation Corridor

Proponent: Trout Unlimited Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will enhance water quality by removing invasive European Buckthorn from the Eramosa River, the Speed River, and their tributaries. Project activities include planting native trees and shrubs to restore habitat and provide refuge for bird species, terrestrail and aquatic wildlife.

Project: Cutthroat In the Porcupine Hills Environmental Rehabilitation Project (CIPHER)

Proponent: Trout Unlimited Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will collaborate with stakeholders to improve aquatic and riparian habitat in the streams of the Porcupine Hills in Alberta through habitat and aquatic restoration activities, monitoring and research and educational signage throughout the watershed.

Project: Oxford County Riparian Enhancement Project

Proponent: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $85,100

This project will restore two tributaries of the Thames River identified as a priority for managing phosphorus loads to Lake Erie by implementing vegetation buffers, estalishing wetlands and installing erosion control measures.

Project: Community-Led Freshwater Enhancement of the Medway and Dorchester Watersheds

Proponent: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $70,530

This project will improve freswater quality and ecosystem health in Medway Creek and Dorchester Mill Pond by expanding buffer zones through plantings and stabilizing banks in highly eroded areas. The project will foster community involvement, promote environmental awareness and have beneficial effects extending to Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie.

Project: Natural Edge Shoreland Restoration in the Crowe Valley Watershed and Surrounding Area.

Proponent: Watersheds Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,700

This project will improve water quality by restoring degraded shorelines in the Crowe Valley Watershed. In collaboration with the local conservation authority, the project will address gaps and develop plans for shorelines experiencing significant erosion issues, followed by the installation of native plants.

Project: Avalon Pond Restoration and Community Education

Proponent: Wildcoast Ecological Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,869

This project will restore Avalon Pond shoreline habitat and New Kinross Creek to improve water quality and ecosystem health. Project activities include identifying and removing invasive plant species, stabilizing banks, planting native plants, as well as education and outreach with local schools and public education to promote environmental stewardship.

Project: Restoring and Protecting Freshwater Ecosystems Health in the Winter River and Tracadie Bay Watersheds

Proponent: Winter River - Tracadie Bay Watershed Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater ecosystem health and water quality by improving shoreline biodiversity and promoting water conservation measures in the Charlottetown region by mapping sites, planting native species, removing invasive species, and reinforcing streambanks, as well as engaging the public and municipalities in sustainable water management.

Project: TAT-A-LU: Working with Semiahmoo First Nation and farmers to reduce harmful substances in the Little Campbell River watershed

Proponent: World Wildlife Fund Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater quality and ecosystem health in the Little Campbell River Watershed (TA’TALU). Supported by Indigenous partners and stewards, the project will conduct water quality monitoring to demonstrate environmental benefits of healthy ecosystems and watersheds, restore habitat of native species through the removal of invasive species, and increase awareness on the importance of riparian buffer zones as a natural climate solution.

Project: Restoring Watershed Resilience: Community-Driven Nature-based Solutions in Southern Vancouver Island.

Proponent: Peninsula Streams Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve water quality and flow in the Millstream, WSIKEM, TENTEN, and KELSET watersheds of Southern Vancouver Island through riparian and instream restoration activities and the engagement of First Nations, local governments, community stewardship groups, and local industry partners in water management.

Project: Foodlands Restoration Corridor Program: Nechako Corridor

Proponent: Rivershed Society of British Columbia

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will restore freshwater habitats in the Nechako River and Stoney Creek area by enhancing community awareness and understanding of the challenges facing critical riparian and aquatic habitats. This project will incorporate Traditional Land Use practices and language by engaging with the Saik’uz First Nation to strengthen local community networks, building capacity for future restoration efforts.

Fiscal year 2023 to 2024

Project: Improvement and restoration of water crossings in the Etchemins

Proponent: Agence de Mise en Valeur des Forêts Privées des Appalaches

EcoAction Program Funding: $44,500

This project will correct erosion, sedimentation and nutrient input problems caused by inadequate stream crossings in private forests. The project's overall objective is to get the community working in private forests involved in better managing stream crossings in the area.

Project: Preservation of wetlands and forests of three properties of high ecological value west of Lake Saint-Charles in Quebec

Proponent: Agiro

EcoAction Program Funding: $42,075

This project will preserve wetlands and woodlands on three properties of high ecological value west of Lake Saint-Charles in Quebec City.

Project: Fish Habitat Restoration and Stewardship Workshops

Proponent: BC Wildfire Federation

EcoAction Program Funding: $91,300

This project will enhance freshwater fish habitat by instream soil staking, restoration of stream channel, and planting of riparian vegetation, and will train volunteer stream stewardship through workshops.

Project: Project Watershed , Healthy Stewardship Initiative

Proponent: Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to bring regional community stakeholders together to encourage a more holistic protection of aquatic ecosystems which incorporates citizen science, community awareness, action and education to empower stakeholders to become active watershed stewards.

Project: STOP Zebra Mussel, waste section

Proponent: Bleu Massawippi

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,803

This project will address a major freshwater quality issue: waste in Lake Massawippi. In addition to clean-up operations on site, the project involves educating the public and increasing awareness about the impact of waste in watercourses and the zebra mussel problem.

Project: Albemarle Brook Restoration, Fresh Water Sustainability for the Rankin River System

Proponent: Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $39,800

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality in the Albermarle Brook, a watercourse that flows through a Provincially Significant Wetland, and eventually drains into Lake Huron.

Project: Sustainable Futures, Building community capacity for freshwater conservation in Newfoundland and Labrador

Proponent: Ducks Unlimited Canada

EcoAction Program Funding: $97,560

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to enhance the capacity of the next generation to tackle environmental issues related to fresh water, contribute to baseline environmental monitoring of freshwater resources and enhance water quality through restoration of degraded riparian areas.

Project: Big Ranch Cottonwood Restoration

Proponent: Elk River Watershed Alliance

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve freshwater riparian and floodplain cottonwood ecosystem habitat and mitigate flood impacts through streambank restoration.

Project: The Critical Catch

Proponent: Georgian Bay Forever

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality and aquatic habitat by addressing the issue of marine debris in Georgian Bay.

Project: Engaging Farmers in Sustainable Clean Water Solutions for the Next Generation

Proponent: Grey Sauble Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,000

The purpose of this project is to improve water quality and increase climate resiliency by restoring natural infrastructure in the St. Clair region.

Project: Freshwater Ecosystem Health in the Cocagne Watershed

Proponent: Groupe De Developpement Durable Du Pays De Cocagne Sustainable Development Group

EcoAction Program Funding: $98,835

This project will improve water quality through the restoration of freshwater ecosystems in the Cocagne watershed by increasing native plants in nursery and naturalizing riparian areas, in co-operation with schools in the Cocagne watershed, which is located in Kent County in southeastern New Brunswick.

Project: Action to Improve Water Quality, Prevent Pollution, and Stabilize Banks for Trout Brook, Southwestern Newfoundland

Proponent: Intervale Associates Inc.

EcoAction Program Funding: $44,290

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve and sustain water quality in Trout Brook, a major tributary of Harry’s River in southwestern Newfoundland, through the removal of harmful substances, replanting bank vegetation, reducing erosion and siltation, and facilitating knowledge transfer among First Nation groups, youth, and small businesses.

Project: The Kawartha Lakes Landowner Engagement and Shoreline Habitat Restoration Project

Proponent: Kawartha Lake Stewards Association  

EcoAction Program Funding: $57,227

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve shoreline health in the Kawartha Lakes region. As a result of clear cutting vegetation to the water’s edge and increased development, high levels of pollutants and nutrients are entering water bodies, which has impaired sensitive aquatic ecosystems and water quality.

Project: Community Collaboration Towards Water Quality Improvement in Langley BC

Proponent: Langley Environmental Partners Soci

EcoAction Program Funding: $96,055

This project will improve water quality and reduce point source pollution and bacterial contamination in freshwater ecosystems through public education on agricultural land management practices and engagement in aquatic habitat restoration.

Project: Grimesthorpe Creek Restoration and Freshwater Protection 2023-2024

Proponent: Manitoulin Streams Improvement Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve ecological benefits to the Lake Huron basin, by restoring freshwater on Manitoulin Island.

Project: A River Runs Through It, Restoring Healthy Waters and Habitat in the Nottawasaga Valley

Proponent: Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $97,637

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality in the Nottawasaga Valley watersheds, and subsequently Lake Huron, by implementing a series of on-the-ground stewardship projects.

Project: River Restoration 2023

Proponent: Sackville Rivers Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $25,000

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to provide fish habitat restoration on one or more watercourses in the Sackville River Watershed through the installation of 10 habitat restoration structures (diggerlog, rock sills, deflectors), which will result in the restoration/protection of freshwater habitat and improvement of water quality.

Project: Water Guardians (WG)

Proponent: Sea Smart School Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $69,832

The purpose of this project is to educate and engage youth in improving freshwater quality to reduce harmful substances in freshwater and to restore ecosystem health, through outreach, citizen science and shoreline clean-ups.

Project: Integrated Watershed Management in Shediac Bay Using Green Infrastructure to Improve Water Quality

Proponent: Shediac Bay Watershed Association

EcoAction Program Funding: $85,610

This project will reduce the presence of freshwater contaminants, increase knowledge of the impact of rainwater on water quality, increase the ability of citizens and businesses to manage rainwater properly, and share more knowledge about green infrastructure and rainwater management in southeastern New Brunswick.

Project: Oak Valley Streambank Restoration , Building a More Resilient Shoreline with Natural Infrastructure

Proponent: South Nation River Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $95,000

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality and increase climate resiliency in the South Nation River watershed.

Project: Communities Protecting Freshwater Together, Restoration in the St. Clair Region

Proponent: St. Clair Region Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $97,000

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality and increase climate resiliency by restoring natural infrastructure in the St. Clair region.

Project: Floatable Waste Collaborative Action in Lake Ontario and Toronto's Inner Harbour

Proponent: Toronto And Region Conservation Authority

EcoAction Program Funding: $99,237

The purpose of this project is to enable the recipient to improve water quality in the Toronto Inner Harbour through the management of floatable anthropogenic debris, knows as ‘floatables.” Water pollution and marine plastic is transported from all parts of the Toronto region into Lake Ontario, causing harm to aquatic and wildlife habitat, and freshwater health.

Project: Improving Climate Resiliency and Freshwater Quality in BC's Coastal Douglas-fir Zone through Wetland Restoration and Nature-based Solutions

Proponent: Transition Salt Spring Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

This project will improve water quality and enhance wetland habitat by installing natural infrastructure and hydrological features to prevent erosion, sedimentation and pollution in the Maxwell Creek watershed.

Project: Jericho Wetland Restoration Project

Proponent: Wildcoast Ecological Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $100,000

The purpose of this project is to improve wetland, riparian and marsh habitat, and to create two freshwater wetlands through excavation and restoration and community engagement.

Project: NatureKids BC, Clean Water Begins in Your Own Backyard

Proponent: Young Naturalists' Club Of BC Society

EcoAction Program Funding: $80,000

This project will improve freshwater habitat through public engagement in restoration, conservation and stewardship activities and freshwater citizen science initiatives including plantings of native plants, removal of invasives and through shoreline clean-ups.

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