Terrestrial Studies Initiative
Canada heard in consultations that Indigenous groups are interested in learning more about the potential terrestrial impacts of the TMX Project.
Through the Terrestrial Studies Initiative, we are supporting Indigenous-led studies to further understand potential terrestrial impacts of major natural resource projects.
- Increase the knowledge of the terrestrial impacts of major natural resource projects and provide baseline information for future cumulative effects work.
How it works
The Terrestrial Studies Initiative is designed to be responsive to the knowledge priorities of Indigenous groups as it relates to the terrestrial impacts of major resource projects.
Funding supports priorities like:
- Harvesting plants
- Land-based animals that are hunted
- Culture with a changing landscape
- Updating existing and conducting new Traditional Land-Use Studies
Funding for the measure
Status: Funding available
Funding is available to all groups on the Phase III Crown Consultation list where studies are focused on land-based impacts.
There is $10 million in funding available over three years (2019–2022).
The deadline for submitting funding proposals is March 31, 2022.
Once eligible Indigenous groups submit their proposals, there is an opportunity for continued discussions with Natural Resources Canada to further develop proposal ideas.
Funding decisions will be made on an ongoing basis as proposals are received, until the March 31, 2022 deadline.
What is eligible?
Eligible expenditures include items such as travel expenses, professional fees, salaries and wages, honoraria and ceremonial costs, participating in or leading scientific research activities through provision of traditional knowledge and capacity building to develop a base of scientific knowledge for the benefit of Indigenous groups. Activities that support the development and support of virtual networks with the aim of exchanging views on terrestrial study activities are also included. Funding covers eligible expenditures incurred until December 31, 2022. Final claims for payment should be submitted on or before February 28, 2023.
How does this connect to other initiatives?
Work under the Terrestrial Studies Initiative would complement the Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative and the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Fund Initiative.
Lead department: Natural Resources Canada
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