2 Billion Trees Program

The ongoing call for proposals is now open! Learn more and assess your eligibility.
2 billion trees over 10 years is one part of our commitment to nature-based climate solutions
The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program aims to motivate and support new tree planting projects. Over a period of 10 years, by 2031, up to $3.2 billion will be invested in tree planting efforts to support provinces, territories, third-party organizations (for-profit and not-for profit) and Indigenous organizations to plant two billion trees across Canada.
If you are a provincial or territorial government looking to be involved, contact the 2BT program team.
Where trees can be planted
- on public and private lands across the country
- in remote, rural, suburban and urban areas
- via afforestation – the creation of new forest cover on lands that currently do not have trees (e.g. abandoned lands)
- via reforestation – the regeneration of forests that have temporarily lost their tree cover. The loss may be caused by natural disturbances (e.g. wildland fire). Another cause may be commercial disturbances (e.g. forestry roads and landings, mining, or seismic lines) for which there is no legal requirement to plant trees.
- to restore forest habitat, including under recovery strategies for species at risk, conservation agreements, and related planning processes (e.g. range plans)
Tree planting projects must comply with provincial, territorial and federal laws that have authority over the management of most forested land in their jurisdictions.
Where trees cannot be planted
- on lands where other ecosystems provide unique habitats for plants and animals
For example, native grassland ecosystems are dominated by species of grasses and shrubs unique to these environments that are essential to various animal species. The 2 Billion Trees program will not fund planting activities in areas such as these to maintain the ecological diversity of existing ecosystems.
The 2BT program will also not fund projects:
- that help organizations meet their legal obligations to regenerate forests, such as a legal obligation to regenerate after harvesting under sustainable forest management regimes
- for which funding from 2BT would replace or displace other secured funding sources
- that regenerate forests on private lands as part of business-as-usual commercial forestry activities
Apply now for the ongoing call for proposals
Why is it important to plant trees?
Tree planting under the 2 Billion Trees program will help Canada exceed its 2030 Paris Agreement greenhouse gases emissions reduction target and establish the building blocks to get to net zero by 2050.
Planting trees will also contribute to the restoration of habitat and provide a multitude of other social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits.
To maximize the benefits to Canadians, the right trees must be planted in the right place and monitored to ensure survival.
The 2 Billion Trees program will generate many long-term benefits such as contributing to the restoration of habitat; increasing biodiversity; cleaning air and water; creating green jobs; reducing community risks from natural disasters; cooling cities; and enhancing the well-being of Canadians for generations to come.
Have questions?
For more information, email the 2BT program.
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