Campbellton region benefits from investments in tourism and local businesses


The Government of Canada invests more than $627,000 to boost tourism, improve community infrastructure and help businesses in the Campbellton region succeed. 

Érablière MLT Inc. Purchase high-performance maple syrup equipment. $50,000
Centre récréatif de St-Arthur Inc. Retain a consulting firm to identify four-season tourism opportunities. $22,200
Vélo Restigouche Cycling Inc. (Phase 1) Create a paved multifunctional bicycle path from Sugarloaf Provincial Park to the Restigouche River Experience Centre.  $414,659
Vélo Restigouche Cycling Inc. (Phase 2) Support a study to develop plans for a bicycle trail connecting Campbellton and Sugarloaf Provincial Park to the Tide Head Beach.  $28,219
City of Campbellton Develop a plan to revitalize downtown Campbellton in support of tourism. $31,473
Campbellton Curling Club, Limited Upgrade the ice plant system, purchase five heat pumps and renovations to curling club rink surfaces. $80,741
Total   $627,292


Connor Burton
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister Responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Samantha Michaud
Senior Communications Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

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