(Text: Atlantic Growth Strategy March 2019 Building a vibrant economic future Supporting local business Finding skilled workers)
The Honourable Stephen McNeil, Premier of Nova Scotia:
We're pleased today to be able to announce that we are committed to an action plan and beginning the technical engineering work around an additional 2,000 megawatts of renewable energy that can come into our marketplace.
Not only will this allow Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to move through Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and other parts, it will allow Quebec Hydro to come in, it will allow us all in Atlantic Canada to build other renewable energy sources like wind, and we have a stable backup supply of energy that will be able to come into this marketplace.
And the national government stepping up is allowing us to potentially build an energy system that will not only protect rate payers, it will provide a stable energy market for Atlantic Canada, for the economic future of Atlantic Canada and the economic opportunities that it will bring.
(Text: Atlantic Growth Strategy. Stratégie de croissance pour l'Atlantique.)
(Text: #AtlanticGrowth.)