Atlantic Growth Strategy: Principles, current priorities, format and membership


Strong federal-provincial cooperation is helping transform Atlantic Canada’s economy. Since the Atlantic Growth Strategy was launched in 2016, both levels of government have collaborated to launch innovative measures designed to unlock the region’s potential. This partnership has contributed to a stronger economy, population growth, and opportunities for businesses and communities across Atlantic Canada.

Principles of the Atlantic Growth Strategy

Collaboration - Support a coordinated and collaborative approach among the federal and four provincial governments that increases the impact of key interventions.

Pan-Atlantic - Emphasize region-wide approaches.

Alignment - Ensure actions align with national priorities/strategies and the priorities of each Atlantic province.

Engagement - Engage and consult with regional stakeholders in Atlantic Canada.

Inclusiveness - Foster economic growth, improve living standards and share the benefits of increased prosperity more evenly across social groups, including women and Indigenous peoples.

Outcome-driven - Identify clear and realistic outcomes.

Accountability - Report on results in 2017 and on an ongoing basis.


Current priorities

  1. Leveraging population growth and attracting and retaining a strong workforce
    • Improving labour attraction, retention, and mobility
    • Facilitating skills recognition
    • Improving accessibility to upskilling and reskilling
  2. Spurring increased productivity and competitiveness
    • Augmenting digital transformation and innovation
    • Improving regional air access
    • Reducing internal trade barriers
    • Promoting tourism
  3. Advancing the transition to a net-zero, green economy
    • Pursuing clean energy and clean growth
    • Supporting industry in the net-zero transition
    • Leveraging domestic and international supply chains
    • ·Adapting to and mitigating impacts of climate change


Format and membership

Page details

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