Aide-Memoire - Annex B - Uniforms

  1. In accordance with A-AD-265-000/AG-01 Canadian Forces Dress Instructions, honorary appointments are entitled to free issue of a uniform, rank insignia, accoutrements and accessories applicable to the honorary rank held. Entitlement is contained in Chief Financial Services D01-120. Lesser orders of dress (such as CADPAT) are provided on a temporary loan basis as required. Mess Dress is the exception. It is not available through the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Supply system and honorary appointees who require this order of dress are to provide it at their own expense. Rank insignia worn on all CAF uniforms shall be the one associated with the honorary rank, even in the case of an honorary who released from the CAF holding the rank of General Officer. Honorary appointees should always consult their affiliated unit for information on the appropriate uniform and equipment for each occasion.
  1. Wearing of uniform when not on duty as part of the functions associated with the honorary appointment is limited to attending a military entertainment or a ceremony at which the wearing of uniform is appropriate in accordance with reference J. Military badges (such as Command badge, Brigade badge, etc.) are not worn with civilian attire. It should be noted that ex-honorary members shall not wear their uniform unless authorized by the Commander of a Command (Commander Canadian Army) in advance of the function.
  1. A military force’s uniform is an outward symbol of its commitment, identity and ethos. Coupled with overall appearance, the uniform is the most powerful visual expression of pride by the individual service member, and is the primary means by which the public image of the CAF is fashioned.
  1. CAF uniforms identify all personnel as members of a cohesive, armed body in the service of Canada.
  1. Personnel shall have their issued items of permanent kit available and maintained for use at all times. Members are personally responsible for the care and custody of all items of uniform clothing, accessories, and accoutrements issued to them. Replacement items can be ordered through You will be given 200 points a year, which are used to “purchase” uniform items as required. If you are experiencing problems registering for an account through Logistik Unicorp, please see your orderly room.
  1. Major components of uniform, such as trousers and jackets, shall not be interchanged or mixed and shall only be worn with the uniform and order for which they are intended. Some accoutrements and clothing items, for example, shoes, socks, waist belts, raincoats, topcoats, gloves and short-sleeved shirts may, however, be worn with various categories and orders of dress as described in these instructions. CAF items of clothing shall not be altered or modified, except to obtain a reasonable fit.
  1. Visible civilian items of apparel shall not be worn by members with any uniform, except where specifically authorized in these instructions. Conversely, items of uniform shall not be worn with civilian attire, except for accessories and garments (e.g., top-coat, raincoat, gloves, scarf and footwear) which do not include any CAF insignia and by themselves do not explicitly identify the wearer as a member of the CAF.
  1. Orders of Dress: Affiliated units will provide detailed information on how each uniform is to be worn and on Regimentally-specific uniform items.

    1. Combat Dress – CADPAT (not shown) can be worn Summer or Winter and should be worn when the Honorary is visiting the unit on Exercise or during Training. The Honorary’s unit will provide specific information regarding clothing and equipment necessary and appropriate to the occasion. This order of dress consists of boots, pants, shirt, coat and sweater (for cool weather), and beret (or field cap). The unit will ensure name tags and any other specific accoutrements are ordered for the Honorary member through the supply system;
    2. No. 3 Service Dress - The standard duty uniform (DEU) consists of shoes, pants/skirt/kilt, short/long sleeve shirts/blouses, tie, jacket and beret/Regimental headdress. There is a green v-neck sweater that can be worn at any time in the year should the weather dictate. Honorary appointees should consult their affiliated unit for detailed instructions on how to wear this uniform (and others), paying particular attention to Regimental specific accoutrements and differences between Summer and Winter forms of dress;
    3. No. 1A Ceremonial - “Ceremonial” Dress for Honoraries will normally be No. 1A-S3 Service Dress with medals. There is normally no requirement for accoutrements, i.e. swords;
    4. No 2 Mess Dress; The Honorary member’s unit will have a specific style and design for Mess Dress. Consult your unit for appropriate style. Alternatives to purchased Mess Dress are “Black Tie” or female equivalent, with miniature medals, dark business suit or female equivalent with miniature medals, or S3 Uniform with bow tie and no medals. Military badges (any) are not worn with civilian attire; and
    5. Notes on Headdress: Headdress should be worn at all times when outside unless specifically directed otherwise. Headdress is usually worn inside, except in messes and some office environments where direction has been given that headdress is not required. As with all uniform items, the Honorary appointee should seek the advice of serving members of his/her unit on when and where it is appropriate to remove one’s headdress while in uniform.

Aide-Memoire - Categories and Orders of Dress


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