Films about the Canadian Army

Films about the Canadian Army

Collection of films about Canada’s army, including historical documentaries, newsreels, and a recruiting film.



Letters from Overseas

The daily life of a Canadian soldier stationed in Britain during the Second World War.

Ordeal by Ice

The secret training of British and Canadian commandos in the Canadian Rockies during the winters of 1944 and 1945.

Proudest Girl in the World

Short musical recruiting film for the Canadian Women’s Army Corp.

Proudly She Marches

A report on how Canadian women were trained in their military divisions during the Second World War.

Up from the Ranks

The training Canadian Army officers received during the Second World War.

Caught in the Crossfire

Protection Force Series: Canadian soldiers keeping the peace in the wartorn former Yugoslavia.

In God’s Command

Protection Force Series: A Canadian Forces chaplain ministering to peacekeepers and civilians in the wartorn former Yugoslavia.

The Price of Duty

Protection Force Series: A Canadian peacekeeper clearing landmines in the wartorn former Yugoslavia.


Centenary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge (exhibition)

A vintage car on display at the Forged in Fire Exhibit at the Canadian War Museum

Exhibitions at the Canadian War Museum and on tour internationally.

Letters from Overseas (film)

Une famille de quatre mange à une table de pique-nique près d’un navire à quai.

A documentary on military life for Canadian soldiers in Britain during the Second World War.

100 year anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

Des marins et des officiers de la Marine entourent un canon installé à bord d’un navire de la Marine.

Register to attend the ceremony at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial site in France on April 9th

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