Civil-Military Co-operation

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Civil-Military Co-operation

A military function that supports the commander's mission by establishing and maintaining coordination and co-operation between the miliary force and civil actors in the commander's area of operations.

We exist to identify and realize potential opportunities to cooperate with local businesses, non-profit groups and civilians in an operational theatre.

  • Advise commanders of all levels of the potential impact of the mission on the civilian populace
  • Identify and mitigate risks posed by the civilian populace to the mission
  • Liaise with civilian support for military operations
  • Coordinate local civilian support for military operations
  • Coordinate military resources and assistance to the civilian populace
  • Determine the capabilties and needs of the local populace
  • Coordinate assistance to civilian groups
  • Gather information to support information operations
  • Communicate across cultures
  • Work with interpreters, as required
  • Participate in NATO and UN training in civil affairs
  • Attend national and international training exercises
  • Deploy to diverse theatres, to support a variety of missions
  • Be ranked Sergeant or higher
  • Have your Commanding Officer's recommendation
  • Commit to deploy on operations
  • Successfully complete selection
  • You are a soldier first
  • You likely have specialized civilian skills that can enhance your contribution to the Forces
  • You can talk with anybody, negotiate and resolve conflicts.

36 Canadian Brigade Group
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

WO Rob Shanahan
Telephone: 902-218-4397

37 Canadian Brigade Group
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island

WO Rob Shanahan
Telephone: 902-218-4397

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