3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton

We Enable Success
3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton (commonly referred to as Edmonton Garrison) plans and manages the delivery of a range of support and services that are needed by other Canadian Armed Forces units and their members. To enable success of the units/members that are supported, the base provides personnel and administrative support, range and training areas, infrastructure and building maintenance for over 317 buildings in Edmonton, Whitehorse and Yellowknife.
The base is located in Sturgeon County on the Northeast border of the City of Edmonton and covers 2550 hectares of land. The main site is named Steele Barracks after Sir Samuel Steele, an original founding member of the Northwest Mounted Police.
The 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton document provides commonly requested base information. If you need an alternate format or have any further questions please contact the base Public Affairs team.

Commander: Colonel R.D. Dove, CD

Sergeant Major: Chief Warrant Officer M.Y. Drolet, CD
Related Links
3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton
PO Box 10500 Station Forces
Edmonton, AB T5J 4J5
Phone: 780-973-4011, Ext. 8018
Public Affairs Officer email: edmontonpublicaffairs@forces.gc.ca
Base accommodations email: Edm-ASU-R&Q@forces.gc.ca
408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron email: 408OpsExternal@forces.gc.ca
3rd Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton – Operations Section
P.O. Box 10500 Station Forces
Edmonton, AB T5J 4J5
Email: 3CDSGComRel@forces.gc.ca
If you are reporting a noise complaint regarding military aircraft, please include the following information:
- Date and time of the occurrence
- Location of the disturbance
- Details of the incident to include:
- Impact on the complainant e.g. what disturbance or damage occurred as a result of the overflight
- Description of the aircraft e.g. jet, helicopter, transport
- Aircraft colour or markings, if distinguishable
- Direction of flight
- Distance of the aircraft from the observer e.g. overhead or estimated distance; and
- Any other information that would assist in identifying the aircraft
- Is a claim against the Crown being considered or initiated
- Name, address, telephone number and any other means of contacting the complainant.
The Canadian Forces Community Gateway is a series of linked websites (one for every base and wing) that provides a common national view of all local base/wing Non-Public Property (NPP) programs and activities including publicly-funded programs delivered through NPP. These are just some of the services available on the Community Gateway site:
- Fitness and Sports
- Messes
- Recreation and Leisure
- Health Programs
- Family Services
- SISIP Financial Services
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