Space Operations Course

The Space Operations Course (SOC) is designed as a follow-up to the Basic Space Operations Course (BSOC) to prepare personnel for employment in space-related positions at home and abroad.

This course provides knowledge of the concepts and terminology associated with civilian and military space systems. Graduates will:

The course is highly structured and begins with formal lectures which review some of the BSOC fundamentals but with the introduction of some new aspects and operational considerations. This serves in bringing everyone, regardless of when they completed BSOC or its predecessor, the Space Applications Course, to the same level and understanding for the group work portion of the program.

The course then moves into instructor-guided syndicate work oriented to the operational planning process and how we can use space to achieve a desired effect. It introduces how to present to colleagues and commanders various aspects of space operations and how to employ available space assets in joint or combined operations. The course will similarly uncover some of the difficulties of space operations due to an ever expanding field evolving space and cyber domain concerns which could affect our space reliance. Finally, the course concludes with group presentations on specific aspect space operations.

The maximum course load is 18 personnel of any rank; specifically the Corporal/Leading Seaman to Major/Lieutenant Commander levels.

Applicants must have successfully completed the Basic Space Operations Course (BSOC) – 101685/121906 or its predecessor, the Space Applications Course (SAC) – also coded 101685/121906. Otherwise, the SOC is open to applicants of any occupation. To be accepted for the course, candidates must have strong communication skills in English (both written and verbal). Preference will be given to those employed in space position within Canada or OutCan.

The SOC is a 5 day in-house course offered five times annually at various locations around the country.

The SOC home location is at 17 Wing, at the RCAF W/C William G. Barker VC Aerospace College in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The SOC course is offered every February in Winnipeg, semi-annually in Ottawa as well as other locations should there be enough interest at a specific location.

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