Films about the Canadian Air Force

Films about the Canadian Air Force

Documentaries, archival films and newsreels about the Royal Canadian Air Force, focusing on aircraft, wartime battles and personnel.



Canada’s Air Defence

A 1956 film about the aerial defense activities of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Lost Over Burma: Search for Closure

Follows a mission to search for the remains of six RCAF members lost delivering food during World War II.

Rosies of the North

Follows several Canadian women as they recall working in the factories during the Second World War.

The Kid Who Couldn’t Miss

Discover the story of Canadian airman Billy Bishop, one of the leading fighter pilots of the First World War.

Archival films

Airplane Casualties

Canadian aircraft performing standard military procedures during the First World War.

Aviators of Hudson Strait

The stories of Air Vice-Marshal Thomas Lawrence about the 1927-1928 aerial survey expedition to Ungava Bay.

Birth of a Giant

Follows the conception, construction and testing of the Canadair Argus.

Double Heritage

The story of the bush pilots who became Canada’s fighter pilots in the Second World War.

Radar Station

A 1953 film about the role of Canada’s northern radar defense stations.

Train Busters

Learn about Canada’s role in the Allied air strategy of hitting the German army's nerve centers.

Wasp Wings

Describes the important role of Spitfire fighter aircraft during the Second World War.

Wings on her Shoulders

Information on the Woman's Division of the Royal Canadian Air Force of 1943.

Zero Hour

Analyzes the preparation, strategy and planning of the great Allied invasion of Northwest Europe in 1944.


Banshees Over Canada

Learn about Canada’s role in the Allied air strategy of hitting the German army's nerve centers.


National Air Force Museum

National Air Force Museum

The National Air Force Museum displays military aviation heritage.

Wings on Her Shoulder (film)

Documentary on the Woman's Division of the Royal Canadian Air Force of 1943.

Battle of Britain

Illustration of planes near Dover

The RCAF`s role in winning the Battle of Britain.

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