1 Wing Tactical Aviation video

Video / May 7, 2018


[On screen text: All members in this video are proudly serving the Canadian Armed Forces. The missions, operations and tactics are all real. “From core stems agility” – Colonel Jeannot “Butch” Boucher]

[Music playing in the background.]

[Various clips of CH-146 Griffon and CH-147F Chinook in action. Quick flashes of a soldier looking up at a helicopter flying by, soldiers and aircrew in the back of a helicopter, a door gun and aircraft flares.]

I’m an Aviation Systems Technician. My job is to fix tactical helicopters in the Canadian Armed Forces. It’s been said “If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life” - well I love what I do and wake up every morning grateful I get to do what I love; and that’s serving my country. A man once asked me “What is it that you do all day?! I mean Canada isn’t at war? So what do tactical helicopters really do?”

It’s true, most people don’t know what we do or how we do it. I mean how does one go about protecting the second largest country in the world!? Well that’s the role of 1 Wing Tactical Aviation!

Responsible for all Canadian Forces Tactical Helicopter Squadrons across Canada, 1 Wing is the central nervous system of it all.

1 Wing provides reconnaissance, mobility and firepower in support of both domestic and international operations.

Headquartered in CFB Kingston, 1 Wing is made up 7 highly distinguished and elite helicopter squadrons.

[Map of squadron locations]

[Various clips of CH-146 Griffon and CH-147F Chinook in action.]

Combining regular and reserve forces, 1 Wing represents 1,625 personnel.

In order to be a leader, one must always prepare its members physically, mentally and professionally to meet the highly anticipated challenges in the complex world we live in.

The threat to global peace, security, and stability is not only constantly evolving, but also expanding.

Recognized as a vital instrument within the Canadian Armed Forces. 1 Wing Command Staff continuously develop new strategies to support ongoing military and humanitarian missions around the world. Collaborating with allied nations to ensure Canada stays on par with today’s growing needs.

[CH-146 Griffon helicopter flying over rice paddies.]

Optimized for maximum capabilities – 1 Wing relies on 2 types of helicopters to best serve its country's defence: the Griffon CH-146 and the Chinook CH-147F.

Both used at home and abroad for;

[Various clips showing the capabilities of the Griffon CH-146]

The Griffon CH-146 is a Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter whose primary role is tactical transportation of troops and materials. While deployed in Afghanistan, the Griffon played a key role in many large scale operations, helping to reduce the risk of exposing personnel to life-threatening ambushes, land mines, and improvised explosive devices.

The Griffon can also be equipped with:

A variety of self-defence weapons can also be fitted for deployed operations. The aircraft can carry up to 15 people (two pilots, a flight engineer and up to 12 passengers) and has a maximum aircraft gross weight of nearly 5,400 kilograms. The Griffon can reach speeds up to 260 kilometres per hour.

[Various clips showing the capabilities of the Chinook CH-147F]

The CH-147F Chinook is an advanced multi-mission helicopter with medium to heavy-lift capabilities. Used to transport equipment and personnel during domestic and deployed operations, the CH-147F has increased internal fuel capacity, allowing it to fly twice as far as previous models.

These impressive workhorse helicopters are a dramatic improvement from the earlier models, reaching maximum speeds of 315 km/h and a total carrying capacity of 38 people, giving a total gross weight of 24,500 kg. The versatility, capacity, and extended range of the Chinook make it ideal for operating in challenging environments.

At home the F-model Chinooks provide logistical and mobility support to the Canadian army, law enforcement, Special Forces, and civil authorities.

[360˚ view of the F-model Chinook while on the ground]

Equipped with enhanced self-protection capability, including:

[Various clips of technicians working on CH-146 and CH-147F]

Our technicians work hard around the clock to meet the high demands of operations, striving to keep every aircraft airworthy and safe, paying very close attention to each detail, while fully-aware of the responsibility resting in their hands.

Our teams include

Regardless of rank or trade, all-members must go through rigorous levels of training. This is a critical step to becoming a qualified professionals in their respective fields, always ready to respond at a moment’s notice on behalf of the nation.

[CH-147F Chinook helicopter flies overhead.]

[Various clips of pilots in training]

Pilots are trained by military and civilian instructors following one of the world's most comprehensive training programs for the Chinook helicopters. Our new training facility includes advanced simulators which help prepare Chinook aircrew-members handle any situation.

[Screen goes dark, followed by the green image of night vision goggles.]

Covert missions are sometimes conducted under a blanket of darkness.

Pilots, Flight Engineers, Load Masters and Door Gunners are suited with state-of-the-art night vision goggles, giving them the ability to fly in pitch black conditions. Once airborne these helicopters become an agile, responsive, concealed airpower over the enemy.

[Screen goes dark. Then an image of a shoulder badge on a uniform and a helicopter starting in a desert camp.]

[Various clips of CH-146 Griffon and CH-147F Chinook in action and soldiers preparing for deployment.]

Before every deployment, mission or operation - people wonder what we think about or what goes through our minds just before stepping out, onto that airfield. I’ll tell you what we think about we think about, our friends, our families, that little league baseball game or ballet recital we wish we saw.

A successful mission means we get to go back home to those who mean the most to us.

For some people we’re brave, for others we’re loyal, even heroes!

For Canada we are 1 Wing Tactical Aviation!

[Badge and photos of two fallen crew (Master Corporal Pat Audet and Corporal Martin Joanette). The badge says “Jo Pat Je me souviens.”]

[On screen text: Dedicated to Master Corporal Pat Audet and Corporal Martin Joanette National Defense logo

This has been a Royal Canadian Air Force production

Canada logo

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Department of National Defense, 2018]

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