3 Canadian Space Division
3 Canadian Space Division (3 CSD) is responsible for delivering space power effects in support of Canadian Armed Forces operations.
The Commander of 3 CSD is accountable to the Commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force and is responsible for:
- space domain awareness
- space-based support of military operations both at home and abroad
- defending and protecting military space capabilities, including in collaboration with its allies and partners
- other space objectives outlined in Canada’s Defence Policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged
3 CSD is comprised of a Headquarters, which includes the Advanced Space Effects Flight (ASE.) The ASE is responsible for working with national and international space allies and partners to identify space capability gaps as well as disruptive innovation opportunities and risks. It also identifies options to sustain mission assurance as well as resiliency and strategic, operational, and tactical space domain advantage for the joint warfighter.
The formation under the Commander of 3 CSD includes 7 Wing (Space), comprised of 7 Wing Headquarters, 7 Space Operations Squadron, 7 Operations Support Squadron which includes the Canadian Space Operations Centre (CANSpOC). 7 Wing is responsible for Space Force Employment.
3 CSD reached full operational capability shortly after transitioning from Director General Space in 2022. The establishment of the division streamlined the organization and improved 3 CSD’s ability to deliver space effects for the Canadian Armed Forces.
3 CSD will develop, deliver, and assure Joint and Combined Defence Space capabilities and effects in order to sustain CAF strategic advantage for domestic and international operations.
A formally structured, integrated and diverse space cadre team that integrates space enabled effects throughout the full spectrum of CAF operations in support of Anticipate, Adapt and Act functions detailed in Canada’s defence policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged.
Command team
Morale patch

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