Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada

Bouchard (Phoenix pay system) class action: A settlement has been reached in the Bouchard class action against the Government of Canada. Consult the first notification to class members to learn more about the settlement, who’s included in the class action, how to participate in the hearing to approve the settlement, or how to opt out of the class action.

Raison d’être

The Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada (ATSSC) is responsible for providing the support services and the facilities that are needed by each of the administrative tribunals it serves to enable them to exercise their powers and perform their duties and functions in accordance with their respective legislation and rules of procedure.

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs is responsible for this organization.

Mandate and Role

The ATSSC was established with the coming into force on November 1, 2014, of the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada Act. The ATSSC is responsible for providing support services and facilities to 12 federal administrative tribunals by way of a single, integrated organization.

These services include the specialized services required to support the mandate of each tribunal (Registry Services, Legal Services and Mandate & Member Services), as well as internal services (e.g. human resources, financial services, information management and technology, accommodation, security, planning, and communications). Through these specialized services, the ATSSC supports improving access to justice for Canadians.

Supported Tribunals

Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal (CART)

An independent, quasi-judicial tribunal that reviews agricultural and agri-food administrative monetary penalties issued to persons who have allegedly contravened federal rules pertaining to: the import of animal and plant products; the humane transport of livestock; the use of pesticides; or the inspection of plants, animals and meats.

Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB)

Promotes constructive labour-management relations in the federally regulated private sector by overseeing the acquisition and termination of bargaining rights; resolving unfair labour practice complaints through mediation or adjudication; and assuring the continuity of services necessary to protect public health and safety in the event of a labour dispute. Also administers the Status of the Artist Act.

Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board (CCPERB)

The Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board (CCPERB) is an independent administrative tribunal established under the Cultural Property Export and Import Act. CCPERB helps to ensure Canada's cultural property is protected, preserved, and accessible to the public. CCPERB provides accountability and support to the institutions and individuals who create, acquire, and engage in the exchange of cultural property.

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT)

An independent, quasi-judicial tribunal that inquires into allegations of prohibited discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act. The CHRT determines whether a discriminatory practice has occurred in respect of employment, or the provision of goods, services, facilities and / or accommodation. The CHRT dismisses the matter if without merit, or if the complaint is substantiated, it may provide remedial relief to the victim.

Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT)

Adjudicates trade remedy, customs, excise tax, and federal procurement cases. The CITT also inquires into tariff and commercial matters for the Minister of Finance.

Competition Tribunal (CT)

An independent specialized tribunal that combines expertise in economics and business with expertise in law. The cases it hears are complex and deal with matters such as mergers, misleading advertising and restrictive trade practices

Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal (PSDPT)

Established to enhance public confidence in the integrity of public servants. Its mandate is to hear reprisal complaints referred by the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner.

Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB)

An independent, quasi-judicial administrative tribunal, the FPSLREB administers the collective bargaining systems for the federal public service and for the institutions of Parliament. It also adjudicates and decides federal public sector grievances, as well complaints related to reprisals, unfair labour practices, and staffing.

Social Security Tribunal (SST)

An independent administrative body composed of a General Division and Appeal Division that makes quasi-judicial decisions on appeals related to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security Act (OAS) or the Employment Insurance Act (EI).

Specific Claims Tribunal Canada (SCT)

An independent specialized tribunal whose mandate is to decide issues of validity and compensation relating to specific claims of First Nations.

Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada (TATC)

Provides a recourse mechanism to the national transportation sector regarding administrative actions taken by the Minister of Transport and the Canadian Transportation Agency under various pieces of federal transportation legislation.

Environmental Protection Tribunal of Canada (EPTC)

An independent, quasi-judicial tribunal that carries out review hearings of Administrative Monetary Penalties and Compliance Orders issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) enforcement officers. The EPTC is independent from ECCC and was formerly known as Environmental Protection Review Canada.

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