60 seconds with Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny, Co-Chair of JusticeTrans

60 seconds with Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny, Co-Chair of JusticeTrans (Transcript)

A lot of the difficulties and injustice that trans people face stem from the legal system itself.

My name is Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny, and I am the Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of JusticeTrans.

So, the role of JusticeTrans is mainly to promote and defend the rights and issues that concern trans people in Canada and to assist members of the trans community with what you could call access to justice.

We are the only broad-mandate national organization that deals only with the issues of trans people.

The largest issue JusticeTrans faces in terms of being able to continue to do this work is financial sustainability. The Access to Justice project funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) came about at a transition time for the organization.

The core of the project became what we typically call a legal needs assessment. So, to assess the needs of the community regarding legal issues, to inform our advocacy initiatives.

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