Terminology for the list of claims for exemption for workplace hazardous products

This page provides an explanation of the terminology used on the List of claims for exemption under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (HMIRA) searchable webpage.

Case number
An internal Health Canada number that is linked to the registry number of the claim for exemption under the HMIRA.
Claimant name
The name of the supplier or employer who filed the claim for exemption under the HMIRA.
Date of claim status
Indicates the most recent date of status change.
Date of filing
The date on which a registry number was assigned to the claim for exemption.
Date of the order
The date on which Health Canada issued an order to the claimant under subsection 18(1) of the HMIRA (or subsection 17(1) of the HMIRA for an order issued prior to March 18, 2020).
Date resolved
The date on which the order issued under subsection 18(1) of the HMIRA (or subsection 17(1) of the HMIRA for an order issued prior to March 18, 2020) was resolved, if applicable.
Decision date
The date on which Health Canada issued a decision on the claim to the claimant.
  • For decisions issued before August 2022, "decision date" represents the date on which the joint decision on claim validity and compliance was issued to the claimant.
  • For decisions issued after August 2022, "decision date" represents the date on which the claim validity decision was issued to the claimant.
  • Note: As of August 2022, Health Canada will issue claim validity decisions separately from compliance decisions. We are working to add fields to the searchable webpage to display the dates of each decision separately.
Expiry date of exemption period
This indicates the date that the 3-year exemption expires. This date is calculated starting the date after which all appeals or judicial reviews are exhausted and is subject to suspension or cancellation under section 22 of the HMIRA.
List of non-compliances / corrective measures
Includes a list of the corrective measures for exemptions where an order was issued under subsection 18(1) of the HMIRA (or subsection 17(1) of the HMIRA for an order issued prior to March 18, 2020).
Non-compliances identified on SDS or label

"Non-compliances identified on SDS or label" indicates whether non-compliances with the provisions of the Hazardous Products Act (HPA), the Canada Labour Code, or the Accord Act were identified.

  • "No" indicates that no non-compliances were identified
  • "Yes, pending resolution" indicates that non-compliances were identified and the claimant is being given the opportunity to voluntarily comply and amend the SDS or label in the manner and by the deadline indicated in the decision document
  • "Yes, resolved" indicates that non-compliances were identified and the claimant provided an updated SDS or label resolving the non-compliances by the deadline indicated in the decision document
  • "Yes, order issued" indicates that non-compliances were identified, the claimant did not comply in the manner and/or by the deadline specified in the decision document, and Health Canada has issued an order under subsection 18(1) of the HMIRA (or subsection 17(1) of the HMIRA for an order issued prior to March 18, 2020)
Product ID
The chemical name, common name, generic name, trade-name or brand name of the hazardous product.
Registry number
The number assigned to a claim for exemption under the HMIRA.
Status of the claim / claim status
  • "Valid" indicates that the Minister determined the claim, or a portion of the claim, to be valid
  • "Invalid" indicates that the Minister determined the claim to be invalid
  • "Withdrawn" indicates that the claim or exemption was withdrawn at the request of the claimant
  • "Suspended" indicates that the Minister suspended the exemption under the HMIRA
  • "Cancelled" indicates that the Minister cancelled the exemption under the HMIRA
  • "Pending" indicates that the claim is under review
Status of the order

Indicates the most recent status of an order issued under subsection 18(1) of the HMIRA (or subsection 17(1) of the HMIRA for an order issued prior to March 18, 2020).

  • "Resolved" indicates that the claimant has complied with the order in the manner and by the deadline specified in the order
  • "Unresolved" indicates that the claimant has not complied in the manner and by the deadline indicated in the order
Type of claim
Indicates whether the claim is an "original" claim or a "refile" claim that has previously been issued a registry number.
Validity of the claim

This indicates whether Health Canada found the claim, or a portion of the claim, to be valid according to the criteria set out under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations.

  • "Valid" indicates the claim was determined by the Minister to be valid
  • "Invalid" indicates the claim was determined by the Minister to be invalid
  • "Invalid, order issued" indicates that the claim was determined by the Minister to be invalid and an order has been issued under subsection 14(1) of the HMIRA (or subsection 16(1) of the HMIRA for an order issued prior to March 18, 2020)
  • "Partially valid" indicates that a portion of the claim was determined by the Minister to be valid

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