Strategic Tanker Transport Capability project

Project summary

The Government of Canada is acquiring a new fleet of aircraft to replace the CC-150 Polaris. Known as the CC-330 Husky, this new fleet will be comprised of nine aircraft (a mix of four new and five used A330-200), and will conduct multiple tasks such as in-flight refuelling of other aircraft, military personnel and cargo airlift, medical evacuations, and strategic transport of Government of Canada officials.

This new aircraft will improve the flexibility, responsiveness, interoperability with allied nations, communications security, and self-protection of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s current fleet.

The project will acquire an in-service support solution for the aircraft, as well as infrastructure to house and maintain the fleet at the western and eastern main operating bases. Additionally, the project will provide a training and simulation capability to prepare and maintain crew readiness.

Project phases

Currently in Phase 4: Implementation

CC-330 Husky

Infographic: CC-330 Husky

1. Identification

1. Identification

  • N/A
2. Options analysis

2. Options analysis

  • Entry into options analysis phase: March 2018.
3. Definition

3. Definition

  • Project approval of definition phase: December 2020
  • Invitation to Qualify: February 2021
  • Publication of qualified supplier list: April 2021
  • Virtual industry engagement events: June 15, 2021, October 3, 2022, March 15, 2023
  • Request for Proposal: May 13, 2022, revised on January 13, 2023
4. Implementation

4. Implementation

  • Project approval of implementation: June 2023
  • Virtual industry engagement event: December 13, 2023
  • Request for Proposal (Infrastructure): May 6, 2024
  • Initial Operational Capability: 2028-2029
  • Final Operational Capability: 2032-2033
5. Close-out

5. Close-out

  • Project Close-out: 2032-2033

Learn more about the Defence procurement process.

Additional information

Project updates

Project updates

July 2, 2024
Tender for Modified Design Build proposals for Infrastructure at Main Operating Base (East) closed.

June 26, 2024
Canada released a draft Request for Proposal for long-term in-service support, specifically maintenance support and materiel support, of the CC-330 Husky fleet.

May 6, 2024
Tender for Modified Design Build proposals for infrastructure at Main Operating Base (East) released by Defence Construction Canada.

May 1, 2024
Following evaluation of the responses received to the Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) for long-term in-service support of the CC-330 Husky fleet, the Government of Canada published the names of the qualified suppliers that demonstrated their ability to meet the requirements listed in the ITQ.

March 8, 2024
The Government of Canada announced $850 million in upgrades to CFB Trenton, home of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) air mobility operations in Canada. These upgrades will enable CFB Trenton to serve as the Eastern Main Operating Base for the new CC-330 Husky fleet.

February 16, 2024
The second CC-330 Husky (numbered 003) entered into service with the RCAF.

January 18, 2024
Canada published an ITQ to identify suppliers who would be qualified to participate in a procurement process for future the long-term in-service support, maintenance support and materiel support for the Strategic Tanker Transport Capability (STTC) Project and the CC-330 Husky fleet.

December 13, 2023
The Government of Canada hosted a virtual industry engagement focused on long-term in-service support of the CC-330 Husky fleet.

November 9, 2023
The first CC-330 Husky entered into service with the RCAF.

August 31, 2023
A first used A330-200 aircraft arrived in Canada to undertake acceptance activities and for use by the RCAF in a strategic airlift transport role.

June 30, 2023
The Government of Canada awarded a competitive contract, valued at US$150 million (taxes excluded), to International AirFinance Corporation for the procurement and preparation for three used Airbus A330-200.

June 19, 2023
Contract awarded for acquisition of nine CC-330 Husky aircraft, associated equipment, integrated logistic support elements, training simulator(s), and sustainment.

June 8, 2023
The Government of Canada granted acquisition implementation approval for the procurement of 9 CC-330 Husky aircraft (mix of 4 new and 5 used A330-200), associated equipment and integrated logistic support, and to develop and design associated infrastructure.

March 15, 2023
The Government of Canada hosted a virtual industry engagement focused on long-term in-service support of the STTC fleet.

January 13, 2023
Revised Request for Proposal for STTC aircraft acquisition released to Qualified Supplier.

October 21, 2022
Second Request for Proposal for additional used A330-200 aircraft directed to source list suppliers.

October 3, 2022
The Government of Canada hosted a virtual industry engagement focused on long-term in-service support of the STTC fleet.

June 13, 2022
The Government of Canada awarded a competitive contract, valued at US$102 million (taxes excluded), to International AirFinance Corporation for the procurement and preparation of two used Airbus A330-200.

June 2, 2022
The Government of Canada granted early implementation approval for the procurement and operationalization of two used Airbus A330-200 aircraft.

June 15, 2021
The Government of Canada hosted a virtual industry engagement event.

April 1, 2021
Following evaluation of the responses received to the ITQ, the Government of Canada published the name of the qualified supplier that demonstrated its ability to meet the requirements listed in the ITQ. The company is Airbus Defence and Space SA.

February 12, 2021
The Government of Canada published a final ITQ on Buy and Sell for suppliers to qualify for the upcoming procurement process.

December 17, 2020
The Government of Canada published a draft ITQ on Buy and Sell to solicit industry feedback.


Benefiting Canadian Industry

Industrial and regional benefits:

The Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB) Policy, including the Value Proposition (VP), applies to the STTC procurement and seeks to leverage economic benefits for Canada equal to the value of the contracts. Through the ITB Policy, the STTC Project will leverage investments and business activities in support of Canada's VP pillars, including:

  • Defence Sector;
  • Supplier Development;
  • Skills Development and Training;
  • Research and Development; and
  • Exports.

Additionally, ISED has identified specific key industrial capabilities that align with the STTC program, including, Aerospace Systems and Components, Defence Systems Integration, Advanced Materials, ISS, Training and Simulation and Clean Technologies. ISED will motivate business activities into key industrial capabilities through the selected VP requirements.

The Aboriginal Participation Component (APC) is a mechanism designed to facilitate the Government of Canada's commitments of advancing aboriginal socio-economic development through federal contracting opportunities, and it was introduced to suppliers through industry engagement opportunities. The APC is a portion of the value of a contract that is set aside for aboriginal participation, which can be direct or indirect (or both).

Technical information

Technical information

The CC-330 is a twin-engine, long-range, multi-role tanker transport A330-200 aircraft manufactured by Airbus Defence and Space.

  • Service ceiling: 13,000 m
  • Range: 13,900 km (10 ton payload)
  • Passengers: 250+
  • Quantity: 9
  • Location: Operating bases are being determined
  • Manufacturer: Airbus Defence and Space
  • Estimated life expectancy: 30 years
Project costs

Project costs

  • The Strategic Tanker Transport Capability acquisition and conversion cost is valued at $3.6 billion. This includes the acquisition and conversion of nine CC-330 Husky aircraft, associated equipment, training capability, integrated logistic support and sustainment.
  • Acquisition does not include costs associated to infrastructure and long-term in-service support of the CC-330 fleet - these will be refined based on industry feedback as the project advances.


  • There are some risks associated with the schedule, namely the volume of work to be accomplished may delay near-term milestones, and infrastructure work may lag equipment delivery. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will update the project page should information change.

Page details

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