Giant Mine Remediation Project

Giant Mine Remediation Project

What's happening at Giant Mine?

What's happening at Giant Mine?

News about ongoing and upcoming work at the Giant Mine site in our quarterly newsletter.

Giant Mine safety notices and work notices

Giant Mine safety notices and work notices

Check the active safety notices, work notices and important site updates for the public regarding the Giant Mine Remediation Project.

More information

Ongoing site management

Learn how the Project team keeps Giant Mine stable as remediation takes place.

How the Giant Mine remediation plan was developed

The Giant Mine Remediation Project's planning was guided by the Report of Environment Assessment, and the resulting Closure and Reclamation Plan that is now approved for implementation.

Giant Mine Oversight Board

This independent body monitors and reports on the Giant Mine Remediation Project.

Remediation Project monitoring activities

Consistent monitoring and evaluation is integral to ensuring the safety of northerners and the environment at the Giant Mine site.

Who's Involved in the Remediation Project

Information about groups that play key roles in the Giant Mine Remediation Project.

Information Centre

Information on the Giant Mine Remediation Project, procurement, contacts, and the mine's history.

Engagement activities

Information on engagement activities for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.

Giant Mine agreements, reports and publications

Agreements, reports and publications related to Giant Mine.

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