Federal Halocarbon Regulations information

The purpose of the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2022 is to protect the ozone layer and the climate by reducing and preventing emissions of ozone-depleting substances and of their halocarbon alternatives to the environment from air-conditioning, refrigeration, fire-extinguishing and solvent systems; and containers that are:

In Canada, the federal, provincial and territorial governments have legislation in place for the protection of the ozone layer and management of ozone-depleting substances and their halocarbon alternatives. The use and handling of these substances are regulated by the provinces and territories in their respective jurisdictions, and through the FHR 2022 for refrigeration, air-conditioning, fire-extinguishing, and solvent systems and containers under federal jurisdiction.

Contact information

National Capital Region
Telephone: (819)-938-4228
Fax: (819) 938-4218

Email: halocarbures-halocarbons@ec.gc.ca

Atlantic Region
Email: rfh-atl-fhr@ec.gc.ca

Quebec Region
Email: rfh-qc-fhr@ec.gc.ca

Ontario Region
Email: promcon-on-compro@ec.gc.ca

Prairie and Northern Region
Email: promconrpn-compropnr@ec.gc.ca

Pacific and Yukon Region
Email: rfhpromcon-py-fhrcompro@ec.gc.ca


This material has been prepared for convenience of reference and accessibility and does not have an official character. It is of a general nature only. For all purposes of interpreting and applying the Regulations, users must consult the official version of the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2022 and seek their own legal advice as appropriate.

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