Backgrounder: Canadian creativity from Nova Scotia expands into new international markets – List of funding recipients


HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, July 4, 2024

The Canadian Heritage Creative Export Canada program’s new Export Development Stream is investing $290,000 to support to seven creative Nova Scotia businesses and organizations in its inaugural cohort.

Below are details on the recipients’ funding and project descriptions. Some projects are also receiving funding over a two fiscal-year period to finalize their project activities in order to export Canadian creative content.

List of supported projects from Nova Scotia

Location Recipient Project description Funding support
Halifax Atlantic Film Festival Association The Atlantic Film Festival Association is receiving funding in the 2023-24 and 2024-25 fiscal years to support a two-year Atlantic International Film Festival Partners spotlight on New Zealand and to develop the coming two-year spotlight on the Nordic region. This initiative, which is held during the Atlantic International Film Festival, is an annual co-production/financing market which facilitates partnerships and funding for feature films, television and digital fiction projects. Over three days, roundtables, panels and networking events bring together international and Canadian delegates to secure essential partnerships and funding. The 2022 edition of the Atlantic International Film Festival directly benefited 36 film/television/digital fiction projects, projecting an estimated contribution of more than $190 million to the Canadian economy.


($63,000 in 2023-2024 and $7,000 in 2024-2025)

Halifax Atlantic Presenters Association Inc. The Atlantic Presenters Association Inc. received funding to support an international delegation and pitch session at the 2023 edition of Contact East, held in Newfoundland and Labrador. The organization invited international presenters and networks from the U.K. and U.S. to attend Contact East to see Canadian artists perform. Over four days, performances, showcases, pitch sessions and networking opportunities connected regional arts presenters with counterparts from across Canada and internationally. Twenty-three artists were showcased in live performances and eight others provided pitch sessions where they presented videos and spoke about their work. The variety of disciplines that they represented include music, dance, theatre and circus. The target markets are England, Scotland, and the U.S.



Halifax Brass Door Productions Inc.

Brass Door Productions Inc. received funding to promote its slate of five feature films to prospective production partners and buyers in the international marketplace.

The company attended major film festivals and global content markets to develop professional relationships, discover new business opportunities and meet with top decision makers. In addition to supporting travel to these festivals, Creative Export Canada funding supported costs related to market research, product preparation for sale to international markets, and networking activities. The target markets for this project are the U.S. the U.K., France, Germany, Spain and China.



Halifax Craft Alliance/ Alliance Métiers d’art Craft Alliance/Alliance métiers d'art received funding in 2023-24 to support the promotion of 19 Atlantic Canadian fine craft artists at Collect, an international fair dedicated to contemporary craft and design, in London, England. At Collect, more than 40 specialist galleries, dealers and collectives from around the world display work made in the last five years by more than 400 living artists and designers. Featured artists must be represented by a gallery or organization to be able to show at the exhibition. Collectors, art consultants, interior designers, curators and others will be able to purchase directly at the show. The target market for this project is the U.K. However, as it is an international event, the Craft Alliance connected with galleries, collectors and museums from across Europe and Asia.



Lunenburg Lunenburg Doc Fest Association Lunenburg Doc Fest Association received funding in 2023-24 to support the Dock Market as part of its tenth edition of the Lunenburg Doc Fest. This non-fiction film market runs parallel to the festival with the purpose of connecting filmmakers with national and international buyers, broadcasters, streamers, funders and co-production partners. Events include workshops, panels, roundtables, masterclasses and networking events to facilitate sales and funding for future film projects. For this project, the target markets are France, the U.S., the U.K., Spain, Germany, Qatar, Italy and Scandinavia.



Halifax Maritime Digital Art Design ltd (MDAD) Maritime Digital Art Design ltd received funding in 2023-2024 to publish two virtual reality games worldwide, created by its subsidiary Paracosm Studio, globally. Its main intellectual property, Dagger Woods VR: Echoes of the Lost, immerses players in a psychological thriller inspired by true Nova Scotia events and folklore in 1922. In addition, the studio offers another distinctive game, POI: VR Dance, which provides players with a meditative experience through momentum and dance, designed to be both relaxing and energizing. MDAD’s plans include international distribution and participation in major gaming conferences to meet with key industry players. Despite having a limited export experience, the company aims to tap into the potential of the virtual reality market by exporting to countries with strong gaming industries and enthusiastic player communities such as the U.S., Germany, France, China and Brazil.



Halifax Moonshot Rights Inc. Moonshot Rights Inc. is receiving funding in 2023-24 and 2024-25 to support the export of two market-ready animated children’s television series, Unboxables and Thickety Thicket, to major networks and distributors. This project focuses on the U. S. as its primary market, with the U.K., France and Germany being the next target markets. The company will also pursue the export of these series to secondary markets (China, Japan and Australia).


($15,000 in 2023-2024 and $20,000 in 2024-2025)

Total funding for Nova Scotia projects $288,000

News release: Canadian creativity from Nova Scotia expands into new international markets


For more information (media only), please contact:

Ariane Joazard-Bélizaire
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

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