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Defence Team – COVID-19

The latest information and resources for the Defence Team related to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the steps being taken to minimize the risk to our military and civilian members.

Last update:
April 11
4:20 pm EST

Untitled Document

Messages for the Defence Team

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Information and resources about COVID-19 from the Government of Canada.

COVID-19 vaccines for Defence Team members

Information and resources on COVID-19 vaccines for Defence Team members.

Continuing Work: COVID-19

Pertinent information for all Defence Team members about the current work posture, as well as plans, steps and conditions for resuming work.

Working remotely

Tools, information and resources for civilians, managers, and military members about working remotely during COVID-19.

Family and Intimate partner violence

Staying home to help stop the spread of COVID-19 can cause stress, frustration and anger, which sometimes lead to violence. This page lists important contacts and resources.

Military response

How COVID-19 is impacting CAF members and how the military is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mental Health and Wellness

Helpful information and contacts for the Defence Team about maintaining our mental and physical health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CANFORGENS (Canadian Forces General Messages)

Read important messages from CAF leadership as well as CAF orders and directives.

Download the CAF mobile application:
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Frequently asked questions addressing Business Resumption, DND/CAF’s response to COVID-19, health measures in the workplace, and updated policies.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Submit your questions to the Ask Anything inbox.

Critical services template letter

Additional Resources