Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers

Positive youth development programs for Canadians aged 12 to 18. Leadership opportunities that support the program.

Services and information


A national, community-based program for youth aged 12 to 18 who can choose to be Army, Sea, or Air Cadets

Junior Canadian Rangers

A challenging and rewarding program for youth in remote communities across Canada


Adult leaders of the programs, how adults can help, IT Support


A Sea cadet on a boat, an Air Cadet with a headset at a simulator, an Army Cadet on a mountain bike

Join the Cadet Program

Eligibility criteria and how to apply to become a Sea, Army or Air Cadet

A smiling Junior Canadian Rangers standing in front of the National War Memorial in Ottawa, a Junior Canadian Ranger with a helmet and goggles on an ATV, three Junior Canadian Rangers aiming air rifles

Join the Junior Canadian Rangers

Find out how to join the Junior Canadian Rangers, and see the expectations for new members


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