Consider the Consequences of Vaping

So, what's up with vaping?
Vaping can be harmful to your health, and youth and people who do not smoke should not vape.
Vaping is a less harmful option for adults if they have been unable to quit smoking with authorized quit aids and if they switch completely to vaping. However, less harmful doesn't mean there are no risks.
Here are the facts about vaping so you can make informed decisions.
Vaping can lead to nicotine addiction
Vaping can deliver nicotine to your body, causing you to crave it more and more, leading to addiction and physical dependence. It can take less nicotine for teens to get hooked than adults.
Youth and young adults are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of nicotine, as it can harm healthy brain development. It can make it harder for youth to concentrate, learn, and manage their emotions.
"I vape and I started for fun, but I am definitely addicted now. I can't go a full class without thinking about it."
Learn more about the health risks of vaping with nicotine
Vaping can expose you to harmful chemicals and metals
Vaping may cause lung damage by exposing you to harmful chemicals, like formaldehyde and acrolein, and metals and contaminants like nickel and lead. Vaping can increase coughing, wheezing and intensify asthma symptoms in teens.
While some of the other chemicals found in vaping liquid, like vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, are safe for use in products like cosmetics and foods, the long-term risks of inhaling them is unknown and continues to be assessed. Scientists continue to study and learn more about the short and long-term health effects of vaping.
"I didn't realize it was that bad at first. I thought it was harmless."
Learn more about other chemicals in vaping aerosol and their risks
Vaping hurts your bank account
The cost of vaping varies based on the vaping device used and how often you vape, but the cost can add up quickly. How much of your money vanishes into thin air if you vape? What better things could you be spending it on?
"We don't really know the long-term effects of vaping and that it contains a lot of chemicals of which I didn't even know existed, and it's really a very expensive expense in the long term."
Learn more about the costs and how much you can save by not vaping
Make now the time to quit
If you are thinking about quitting vaping, you aren't alone. Many youth and young adults that vape are trying to stop. Quitting vaping can be easier when you have the right information, understand your options, and make your own plan to quit.
If you want to quit vaping, the I quit for me guide can help you get you there. It will help you:
- learn more about your reasons to quit vaping
- choose your own way to quit
- stay vape-free
This guide can also help you quit smoking cigarettes.
Nicotine replacement therapies aren't recommended for teens
Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), including nicotine patches, gums or pouches, are designed to help adults stop smoking. They're not intended for anyone under 18 years of age unless it's recommended by your doctor. NRTs can have serious health consequences when misused or used by those who do not smoke.
Learn more about what nicotine does and how nicotine addiction works
Vaping Laws and Regulations
The Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA) prohibits tobacco and vaping products to be sold or given to anyone under the age of 18. Be aware of the laws in your province or territory, as some have increased the age to 19 or 21.
Learn more about the laws and regulations
Interactive activities
Get the facts about the risks associated with vaping through three interactive activities.
Use the online self-led vaping module to learn more on the health risks and consequences of vaping. Try it here!
Teen vaping and nicotine
Vaping: Asking why is important (video 2)
The Mechanics of Vaping
Dealing with peer pressure
"I started vaping last year because of peer pressure and I really don't enjoy it. I do look forward to quitting."
Young people are often faced with difficult situations in which they may feel pressured to try something they are not comfortable with – you might face these same challenges. These pressures can stem from:
- School stress
- Home life and responsibilities
- Family pressure
- Social media
- The desire to fit in and feel accepted by your friends
Did you know that peer pressure is one of the most common reasons why so many young people said they started to vape, and the majority of them who have tried vaping did it with others? Many youth think that vaping for the first time is not risky because people around them do it, but don't be fooled into vaping. It's not harmless. Get facts from a credible source, like Health Canada and learn about the harms and risks of vaping.
Before you are in a situation where you might be pressured to try vaping, it's helpful to make a plan and think-through what you'd say, or do. This exercise can help you craft a way to refuse vaping in a way that makes you most comfortable.
Here are some helpful tips to consider before you are in a situation where there could be peer pressure to vape:
It's ok to say "no thanks, I'm not interested"
Turn down the offer to vape and if you are uncomfortable afterwards then you always have the option to walk away. With you taking a stand and leading the way, other people might follow you as well. Be proud of your decision. The ability to stand up for yourself and your choices can help you when you are in uncomfortable or pressured situations with friends or peers.
Ask them questions
Your peers may pressure you to vape, and asking them questions can make it easier to say no. Questions like: "Why do you vape?", "How long have you vaped?", "Are you aware of the risks?", "Why did you start?", or "Do you plan on quitting?"; can help steer the conversation and provide more reasons to turn it down. Facts from a credible source can be slipped into a friendly conversation.
Blame your parents!
They want you to make the best choices, and if that means blaming them to avoid peer pressure, go for it. Saying things like "I can't," or "It's not worth it, I'd be in so much trouble if my parents found out I vaped," or "Sorry, I can't, I'm grounded and have to go home," may allow you to avoid the situation.
Create a code word with your parents
If you anticipate an uncomfortable situation at a party or get together where you may be pressured to try things you don't want, having a code word with your parents can help you avoid these situations without your friends knowing. Call or text your parents with this code word to let them know that you need an excuse to leave or come home.
Hangout with friends who share your values
Having a trusted circle of friends who do not vape can help you be true to your values and choices and avoid peer pressure. Spend time with friends who back you up when you say "no" and who you can trust not to pressure you.
Talk to a trusted adult
Talking to an adult you trust (your parents, a teacher or coach, a faith leader) can allow you to ask questions about vaping and understand the facts in a safe, non-judgemental environment. A supportive adult can help you make an informed choice about vaping and how to handle peer pressure.
Learn more about vaping
What is vaping
Discover the mechanics of a vaping device and what's inside vaping liquids and substances
Risks of vaping
Learn about the chemicals in vaping products and how they can impact your health
Vaping and quitting smoking
Learn more about vaping as a less harmful source of nicotine for those who smoke
Preventing kids and teens from smoking and vaping
Get tips on how to talk with teens about smoking and vaping
Consider the Consequences of Vaping awareness self-led module
Learn more about the online self-led module
Youth vaping prevention and cessation resources (print, digital and video)
Download and order material to help raise awareness of the consequences of vaping for youth
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