Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project — Public Comments Invited

News release

February 14, 2019 — Ottawa — Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting federal environmental assessments for the proposed Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and the proposed Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project, located approximately 460 kilometres and 265 kilometres, respectively, east of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.

The projects are undergoing separate coordinated environmental assessments. As the projects significantly overlap in content, one joint draft Environmental Assessment Report and two sets of potential environmental assessment conditions have been drafted for the projects.

The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, which includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of both projects and their significance, the proposed mitigation measures, and the proposed follow-up programs.

The Agency also invites comments on the potential conditions for the Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and on the potential conditions for the Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponents if the projects are allowed to proceed.

These projects have benefited from several public and Indigenous consultation opportunities. This is the final public comment period in the process.

All comments received will be considered public. Written comments in either official language must be submitted by March 16, 2019 to:

Flemish Pass and Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Projects
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
200-1801 Hollis Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3N4
Telephone: 902-426-0564
Email: CEAA.NLOffshoreProjects-ProjetsExtracotierTN.ACEE@canada.ca

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Marissa Harfouche
Communications Advisor
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Follow us on Twitter: @CEAA_ACEE

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