Defence ethics

Principles, values and expected behaviours of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and the Department of National Defence (DND) personnel.

Services and information

About the Defence Ethics Programme

The Defence Ethics Programme’s ethics plan, terms of references and vision and mission.

Ethics related policies and publications

The DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics, the Statement of Defence Ethics and DAODs.

Conflict of interest

Real or potential situations that could cause a conflict of interest.

Ethics scenarios: What would you do

Ethical dilemmas that could happen to you in the workplace.

Education and training

Find the tools and training to further develop your ethical foundation.

Protection against reprisal and dismissal

Contact the Internal Disclosure Office if you've been demoted or dismissed for reporting a wrongdoing.

Submit a complaint to the Ombudsman

Get help resolving an internal problem if your other attempts are unsuccessful.

Whistleblowing – Submit a Disclosure of Wrongdoing

File a report with the Internal Disclosure Office if you've witnessed wrong or illegal activities.


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