You protect them every day. So do vaccines.

Protect your child with routine vaccination

You want to protect your child by keeping them safe and healthy. Childhood vaccinations can help you do that. Routine vaccinations have been around for decades and are safe and proven to help protect against vaccine-preventable diseases. We've got the facts to help you make an informed decision.

About vaccines

Vaccination and the immune system, vaccine effectiveness, safety and side effects

Routine childhood vaccinations

Timing of vaccinations, get your child's vaccination schedule, guidance for common concerns, common childhood diseases

Learn more about the childhood vaccination schedule

Access your child's vaccination history

Make the vaccination appointment easier

COVID-19 vaccination

Vaccine safety and possible side effects

Allergic and stress-related reactions, how we make sure vaccines are safe, vaccine ingredients

Learn more about vaccine safety and possible side effects

Vaccination stories

Learn from real stories why vaccination is key for a healthier community:

Printable resources

An easy-to-use guide that answers your questions about your child's vaccination

Youth get many vaccinations while in school, and knowing what they're for and why it's important is worth understanding

Vaccines are an important way to protect your child from serious and life-threatening diseases

Actions you can take to help make your child's vaccination experience more positive

Childhood vaccines are safe and proven to help protect children against 15 diseases

Data that compares 6 common vaccine-preventable diseases before and after routine vaccination

How childhood vaccines keep your child safe

Transcript and access to described video for how childhood vaccines keep your child safe

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